I just decided to turn on Google play services till I get a rom with microg support (Once my phone reaches EOL ofc) idk if my samsung A55 will get any roms
In that case u might have some trouble. How did u remove play services in the first place u root it? If u got a pixel then just getting graphene os is wayy easy.
idk if google allows you to disable this notification bcs i cannot get microg as a replacement it says invaild package even when its disabled the apps work fine (idk if it has to do with google play services being installed by default) and i dont want roms rn bcs the phone gets important updates
The only thing that could work - delete/disable/abandon the app and install an analog from f-droid. And even then you'll encounter these notifications a few times per day. I gave up and flashed the phone on a third day to a custom rom
See from the notification settings if this notification is categorized under some head. And if the category is not catch all, you may disable notification for that category.
Otherwise blocking all notification or switching to alternative app would be the last option.
AutoNotification has been, to date, able to block/hide ANY notification reliably, even in the free version. Which reminds me, such a good app needs support so I'll get the full version now.
I block things like "App xy can view an control youe screen" (No shit, nova launcher needs to do that?) and messages by apps that let them run in the background, eg. Element.