guess the company
guess the company
guess the company
Yamaha started as an Organ and piano manufacturer.
Hence why their logo is 3 tuning forks.
That’s awesome
But also resemble a motor with three pistons.
The meme has it backwards .... worker should be saying .... 'I guess we produce motorcycles now'
"I guess we are getting history backwards now"
No idea. Yamaha was doing pianos long before they were doing motorcycles, so it can't be them. I can't think of a company that started with motorcycles and then moved into pianos.
They co-developed the V10 engine for Lexus LFA super car. Also they were the acoustic engineers for the engine.
It’s Yamaha. I have that piano.
Could be basically any japanese company 😅
Toyota made looms once.
Far as I know, they still make sewing machines; they just don't sell them in the States.
Lamborghini started out making tractors.
My parents had a Mitsubishi television about 15 years ago.
Coleco started life as the Connecticut Leather Company.
And it'll never fail to amuse me how Michelin tells you where to find the best restaurants on the planet.
From looms to wrooms, why not!
And I think Singer made cars.
Just look at the Mr. Sparkle corporation: a joint venture of Matsumura Fishworks and Tamaribuchi Heavy Manufacturing Concern
Is that a penis?
Asking the important questions!
Panasonic also makes bikes and pianos. Samsung does too. I think even Sony has a motorcycle concept so add them to the list.
Samsung also builds ships
I would say Samsung is like the Korean GE but tbh it's more like GE is a smaller American Samsung.
And tanks and jet engines
also manufactures pharmaceuticals
Samsung also builds tanks
Yamaha has the beginner wind instrument market by the balls right now. Conn-Selmer became garbage over the last 15 years or so, and Jupiter has been known to be "the nicest dogshit in the business" for some time. Yamaha literally just had to maintain the same level of instrument quality while the former "great brands" became cheap stencil crap.
Don't they make some nice stuff too, like the Tyros/Genos workstations?
I can't speak to the quality but I'd imagine they're great. Most composers and arrangers I know use a pretty simple MIDI keyboard setup, or have become keyboard power users in their software and use a QWERTY keyboard.
Personally, I'm in group 2 (QWERTY keyboard) I have a digital piano at the workstation to test out voicings, but when I actually write I'm using keybindings on a QWERTY keyboard. Full disclosure - most of the writing I do is for schools, so I use notation software.
Kawasaki did toy pianos does that count
Guess we are making Motorboat engines now
I have one of their stereo receivers in my living room.
Looks like he's having away from the conveyor belt or he's got a front-butt.