Alternative email?
Alternative email?
Sorry if I'm the millionth to ask this, but what are some good trustworthy email providers? Even if paid. But if I'm paying it'd best if it's privacy focused. Thanks!
Alternative email?
Sorry if I'm the millionth to ask this, but what are some good trustworthy email providers? Even if paid. But if I'm paying it'd best if it's privacy focused. Thanks!
I'm pretty happy with Proton. and Posteo are good as well, in addition to Proton and Tuta.
Proton! They’re based in Switzerland (I believe), which is known for its privacy laws. Proton Docs is absolute shit, but it’s their newest product, so I imagine it’ll get better eventually. Their email, storage, and VPN services are fantastic and have both free and paid options.
Edit: I’m not American, just incredibly dumb…
I don't believe Switzerland is a Nordic country, but +1 for Proton here. A lot of their newer products like Drive need a good amount of work, but Mail and VPN are working great for me.
It is as far as Americans are concerned. It's over where they sound like the swedish chef
Switzerland is not a Nordic country
And very small precision, their newest product is Wallet (for cryptos 😭)
The rest is true. Go Proton
I like Posteo. Affordable (1€/month) and with focus on privacy and FOSS.
Second posteo. It's simple and supports imap, caldav, carddav.
In addition to the above, they also use green energy, if you care about that sort of thing.
Tuta and Proton Mail.
Yeah, somehow not even considering others at this point. I did before. Currently using Tuta.
They both seem to be at the top of the privacy game, Proton for storage as well.
I use Proton mail. I like the suite of products (mail, calendar and storage), and it's been reliable. They also seem to be secure.
You can use your own domain with them which is pretty standard but a good idea if you want long term email independence/remoce vendor lockin.
I also like that Proton mail are going down a non-profit route and have open sourced their apps. I'm not suggesting they're perfect, but these moves and the scale of their set up makes me feel happier to use them.
as far as i am aware protonmail is pretty popular. I am hosting my own mail infrastructure but am considering to switch in the long run
I'm hearing about proton but they feel very scummy. Is proton(vpn and mail) actually privacy centered, doesn't log and doesn't sell data?
While I tought about self hosting an email, but doesn't that come with lots of problems, like you can't garantee five nines of uptime, or someone emails you cp, or websites not accepting custom domains? I also heard it's easly hackable.
Proton were forced by swiss court order to log the IP address of a climate activist, which led to his arrest, but as far as we know they never actually breached his encrypted emails.
Tuta had a similar incident, but due to being based in Germany, had to go farther, and allowed access to any emails that weren't encrypted for the court ordered individual.
That only matters if you believe you will be a person of interest for your government, and the lesson is that no email service is perfectly safe for things that require that level of protection.
For most of us, any of the private emails will be fine, and are certainly better than Google.
I’ve been using proton for a couple years now. I trust and like the services they provide. Plus they regularly perform third party audits and make the results public.
I use Tuta and Zoho.
Migadu! Prices are fair in my opinion, and it's bring your own email client (ie no webmail iirc) and bring your own domain.. They also feel less "corporate-y" than Tuta or Proton. I have accounts with all three but I like migadu the most. If something happens, I don't lose all my emails/need to change emails cause my email will still be JetpackJackson@
<domain name>
. Also, if you're a student, they have a discount that you can email them about.Also, Disroot is cool too but I don't use them that much since I have three other emails to deal with lol
I like disroot is great! Has many benefits and can be fairly cheap. (A few € a month)
I use K-9 Mail. It is made by mozilla which is becoming less trustworthy every day but at the moment it is fine enough
Misunderstood post. K-9 is not an email provider, just an app
K9 isn't an email provider? It's an email app. A good one but still.
I misunderstood the post my bad
I use Infomaniak Mail for my emails and kDrive from infomaniak too as an alternative to Google Drive.
It’s a swiss company from Geneva (where I live) and it’s also used by the state of Geneva for hosting and other things.
I really highly rate their products and prices. The email is free.
I like Proton or Tuta. Both have interesting free plan as well as pay plans for upgrade.
I've been using fastmail which is pretty good. I also use mxroute sometimes. It's a smaller operation that is cheaper.
I use a proton paid account with my own domain so that if I ever decide to leave proton I can just switch my domain to the new email provider and all my email addresses stay the same
I recently started using Purelymail and love it so far.
I use StartMail, and before that, Tuta.
In no particular order: Fastmail, Tutanota, Mailbox, Proton mail.
@FrostyPolicy @UnRelatedBurner I enjoy Fastmail. I know someone that uses and enjoys Tuta (think they shortened the name?).