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Is It Just Impossible to Have an Honest Conversation About Starfield?

It sure feels impossible to have an honest conversation about Starfield online right now.


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  • I am so incredibly sick of posts about starfield.

    • And I’m really sick of people complaining about seeing posts on topics they personally aren’t interested in, instead of just scrolling by.

      Looks like neither of us has gotten what they want today.

      • You've personally posted gaming "journalism" articles about starfield on !gaming at least once a day for nearly every day of the past 10 days. So excuse me but I'm a bit fucking fed up with "scrolling by" dozens of times in an attempt to find actual substantial discussions. Every time something is posted about the problem can literally be solved by not fucking buying it if you don't want to.

        I apologize for sounding a bit vitriolic about this, but I hate when a valid complaint about this is responded to by just saying "don't look at it lulz." How about a solution to that problem would be you posting things that actually start interesting conversations instead?

        And yeah sure it's the next big game so of course it'll have media coverage about it. But I don't really think much of anything I've read about this game has been really substantive in the gaming journalism space. I don't remember reading something and actually wanting to care.

        In my original comment I wasn't insulting you personally, mind you. A lot of people have been posting about this game.

    • Respectfully, you are in a gaming forum, and starfield is one of the biggest games that has come out this year.

      This comment contributes nothing to the topic the thread is about, besides getting a rise out of people.

      Please think about this before commenting in the future. Thank you

    • Not really sure what response you’re looking for here. Perhaps the same one as going into any community and saying “I’m so tired of hearing about [major thing that happened recently related to the community].”

      “God damn I’m so tired of hearing about the Super Bowl, it’s been a freaking week can y’all just get over it?”

    • It's just easy views when a big company releases a typical, lukewarm big company game I guess. These articles have been especially low quality though...

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