Changing the script editors text without modifying the undo-redo?
Changing the script editors text without modifying the undo-redo? How can I get the undo redo history of the script editor?
Godot Version 4.4 dev 3 Question Is it possible to get the undo redo of the Godot script editor? I am currently inserting text into the sceipt editor via code and that triggers the undo redo to record it. So when the user presses Ctrl-Z, it goes back to what I inserted with code. So essentially, ...

I posted this question on the godot forum, but that has been overrun by bots like crazy, it's all random characters, so probably some AI.
I want to edit the text of the current script editor without modifying the internal undo-redo of the editor.
So essentially I want this to be possible:
- User writes some code
- Program modifies it, maybe imroving the formatting and such...
- Program then reverts to previously written code
- User is able to undo their last code addition, without the programmatically inserted stuff to show up as the last undo-step.