That's the old trend, massive bibles were used in monakhomachias and religious disputes. We can still sometimes observe those where various sects of orthodox christianity gather for common holidays and get into theology discussion (usually after processions get stuck in small old churches)
Oh weird, I've never seen chick tracts in that layout, all the ones I've collected are small, cheap, side-by-side comics. That looks like a higher quality printing, is it one you have or just found the pic online?
this lady was on the street handing papers to people. I could tell it was some jesus shit due to the accessories so walked by quickly, suppressing my urge to debate her. but then in the corner of my eye I noticed it was a small horizontally-oriented comic. I had to turn on my heel and walk it back a couple steps.
"is that a jack chick??!"
"sure is"
"oh sweet, I looove those!"
she handed it to me on impulse though I think after 1-2 seconds of taking in my general vibe she understood I was only mocking her. Her expression changed as I took the thing from her. The godly document barely singed my heathen fingers.
I couldn't wait to start reading to see if it would be about some friends of mine like OP
but it was one of the new ones, lacking the (limited) creativity and empathy demonstrated in the above. It sucked.