Guess the Episode
Guess the Episode
I’m stealing an idea from ! because they had a great idea.
Guess the Episode
I’m stealing an idea from ! because they had a great idea.
the first series finale, 'the devil's hands make idle playthings'
Nice catch on the hands!
They do get around
What do you mean, "the first?" They made more?!
Just joking. I've tried watching the various incarnations. They're just not the same anymore.
An opera? About a woman? How deliciously absurd!
Me? Really?
“But I’ve never written an opera.” “And I’ve never heard one.”
Your writing lacks subtlety! You can't just announce how your characters feel!
That makes me feel angry!
I love meta humour. I wish it would have been "That makes me angry!" just to make it a tad less on the nose.
I could hear it in the devil's voice nearly a decade after watching this episode.
It's crazy how a minor recurring character could by so memorable.
That line is the Trope Namer for, That Makes Me Feel Angry!
(Warning. That is a link to tvtropes. If you value your time, don't click that link!)
Destiny has cheated me by forcing me to decide upon: The woman that I idolize, or the hands of an automaton.
Without these hands I can’t complete the opera that was captivating her
But if I keep them, and she marries him, He probably won’t want me dating her.
That whole episode is fantastic. Its top tier writing.
The one where Fry plays the holophone
I can't believe everybody's just ad-liiiiibing!
The Devil's Hands are Idle Playthings
"And I've never heard one!"
This idea is good and you should feel good.
Your music’s bad and you should feel bad!
Season 4, Finale
I would commission... An opera!
||The Devils hands are idle playthings|| Honestly, this is probably the easiest one to guess.
I debated between easy and medium. Since it was the first one, I wasn’t sure how hard to rate it.
The one with bees, and the dogs shoot bees out of their mouths