1 day ruling stew
1 day ruling stew
This post was mischivously stolen from here
EDIT: Completely forgot to adctually add the image. Here you go.
1 day ruling stew
This post was mischivously stolen from here
EDIT: Completely forgot to adctually add the image. Here you go.
How did this post get three likes before I even added the image? Did people follow the link and think "Aw yeah, thanks for sharing this link, have a like"
They had a blinding stew. A 1 day blinding stew. A stew that blinds for 1 day. They were fed a 1 day blinding stew.
hi :3 yes
No way! You liked despite no funi? Thanks!
Hello, I'd like the recipe for a stew that blinds for 1 day
Is this a reference to A Feast For Crows?