Should I avoid telling my employer that I'm buying a house?
Should I avoid telling my employer that I'm buying a house?
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The original was posted on /r/antiwork by /u/Caddac_ on 2023-09-18 15:53:09.
So I'm at a relatively new job (been here just over a year) and after 9 years of saving my money I'm in a position to finally buy a home. I've been spending a lot of my time recently house hunting, seeing houses and the like.
Now, I've had a lot of people telling me to avoid letting my employer that I'm buying a house. A lot of their reasoning is so that my employer doesn't get an idea that I'm now reliant on their income to survive.
I've also had a friend mention that telling his employer he had just bought a house helped him months down the line when they were having layoffs, his boss specifically chose to keep him on to avoid hardship.
What do you all think?