People sure are quick to blame Russia, when in reality, it's Hvaldimir, a rogue spy Beluga whale. I mean, sure, he was trained by Russia, but now he's a merc for hire. This was his first solo gig to get him international notoriety and tell us he's up for grab$.
No, he gets them trumped up charges and forces them into private prisons where they have to work building underground, private expressways so they can buy soap and food
Anyway, let's be honest, the dream of the "world wide web" is, and always was, pretty damn naive.
The internet and society at large would be a better place if we told our geopolitical enemies (China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, etc.) to fuck off and make their own internet (which they're trying to do anyway, but today are benefiting from the best of both worlds). This one-way great firewall bullshit where foreign governments restrict what their people can see coming out of the west, while easily manipulating what our people see on social media via disinformation and troll farms, has not been working out.
This may be an unpopular opinion, but we would be much better off with multiple multi-national intranets among allied nations with shared values, interests, laws, and accountability.
Yeah no. We already see various forms of direct government censorship and indirect censorship through private entities holding key social media platforms.
The last thing we need is a full embracement of shutting down and censoring. Also it is entirely impractical, as you have overlaps as two nations at odds with each other might both be on good terms with a third nation.
Finally, what happens when you go on holiday? Do you want special government approved agents to be the only ones eligble to purchase a plane ticket from and book a hotel with? Prepare to pay triple and end up with a system even more ripened with corruption than the current economy.
Finally it is naive to think that this would stop competing disinformation. Just have a satelite interface and maybe some private network as bridge and voilá.
All this does is fuck over the people more, while the elites get to continue their shit.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky initially approved the plan, according to one officer who participated and three people familiar with it. But later, when the CIA learned of it and asked the Ukrainian president to pull the plug, he ordered a halt, those people said.
Zelensky’s commander in chief, Valeriy Zaluzhniy, who was leading the effort, nonetheless forged ahead.
Not exactly on their own initially according to this article.