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Movements vs Action

I often think about the things I believe, as I believe that that is indispensable for coming to accurate and reasonable conclusions. In other words, I don't want to believe things just because I believe them; I want to have reasons to believe what I believe, and I want to inspect my beliefs and change them if they contradict or are incompatible with reality. I think that's the reasonable thing to do.

I was writing a lot for this post, but I keep bumping heads with my ignorance. To a certain extent, I think it's critical for everyone to speak their mind, even if they're wrong, so that their ideas can be challenged and questioned by others; I think that's a great way to find flaws in one's reasoning that might never be brought up individually. However, I don't know what to say.

I think I'm falling victim to party allegiance. Or rather, I'm relying on party affiliation to guide my vote, rather than thinking and analysing for myself. Really, that's the whole point of parties --- to help people choose without them having to do all the research --- but I'm not too comfortable with that. I want to think for myself and come up with a good set of ideas and morals that I can confidently follow, and then decide based on that.

Immigration is a big deal, where I live, though I do believe it's a big deal worldwide, as well. There's so much babble all over, and it's hard to make up my mind on the issue.

It's hard to make up my mind on a lot of issues. And it's hard to figure out what's just ideology and what's actually doable and effective.

Very frustrating.