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[RUS] The case of Azat Miftakhov The case of Azat Miftakhov

Videos of the Azat Miftakhov Days Against the War, July 5-6, 2022 Azat Miftakhov is awarded a fellowship by Scholars at Risk Harvard News

The case of Azat Miftakhov


Azat is a talented young mathematician who comes from the Tatarstan region in the Russian Federation. Already in school he won prizes in several math competitions and received support given to talented young people by the Ministry of Education and Science. As a student in Moscow he became involved with the anarchist movement. In February 2019, right after his return from a conference in Nizhni Novgorod where Azat gave his first talk in English, he was detained by the police and accused of manufacturing explosives. He was tortured at the police station. After three days Azat was released, since the court found no evidence to justify his detention. He was immediately detained in the backyard of the police station and accused of destruction of an office window of the United Russia political party, an act which had taken place more than a year earlier. He has been kept in jail since then. The lack of evidence in Azat’s case is disturbing, as is the fact that, for most of the time since his arrest, he has remained in pre-trial detention. Azat pleaded not guilty.


ABC Moscow

Solidarity Options

Over a thousand lecturers, professors, researchers, and students from leading Russian and international universities have signed a petition in Miftakhov’s defense, include MIT linguistics professor Noam Chomsky and Viktor Vasilyev, president of the Moscow Mathematics Society. Mikhail Finkelberg, professor at the Higher School of Economics and Skoltech, Boris Kravchenko, president of the Confederation of Labor of Russia (KTR) and member of the Russian Presidential Human Rights Council, and Russian MP Oleg Shein have agreed to stand surety for Miftakhov. If you work in academia or know anyone sympathetic who does, especially in the field of mathematics, read or share information about his case, and


Miftakhov Azat Fanisovich
1993 g.r. 610004
Kirovskaya obl., g.Kirov
ul. Mopra, d.1, SIZO-1. Russia