the CEO assassination footage is absolutely chilling
the CEO assassination footage is absolutely chilling
I watched it and now I'm chilling
the CEO assassination footage is absolutely chilling
I watched it and now I'm chilling
Rode off on a citibike too
There was a biking bank robber that was quite successful for a while, apparently riding a bike makes you pretty much invisible in a city.
Lmao not sure if the same guy but that happened in my city. He was never caught.
The one I know of got caught eventually, but did 26 successful heists.
shit you got more on that? I always wondered whether a bicycle would make a good getaway vehicle on accounts of cops are too carbrained to understand how it can move or how to even tell them apart.
eventually got caught though
I fucking love this site
I hope to celebrate more CEO assassinations with you all
a stronger connection than I have with most of my IRL friends
Best news in a long time. Hopefully more of these parasite killers get offed
Here's to the copycats.o7
Hopefully more of these parasite killers get offed
the parasite killer is still alive tho?
you're either clever/based or deeply unserious
Lol good point. Guess a better term for the ceos would be parasitic killers.
The dude was a profesional, 100% its was a hit on him
Either a pro or the dude was a vet, like a vet who saw actual combat. He's def used a gun before, I don't think some disgruntled rando could walk off that calmly after shooting a guy three times.
cleared that jam like a pro for sure
He racks the slide immediately after the first shot so it does appear he's running a manual action set up (either a manual action gun or just a standard semi auto and working the slide each time).
After the second shot he appears to have some trouble but he calmly fixes it and I can't tell if he shoots a third time or is satisfied the guy is allready dead.
Prob a pro bono.
I doubt it. A professional wouldn't have been that off on the first shok. The slide rack was just indicative of someone who knows their weapon. I think this was a vengeance kill.
I don't know if it was a hit, he had written Deny, Defend and Depose on the shellcasings
I watched the video. I didn't see the murder, I saw self-defence.
this goes to show that you shouldn't do adventurism unless you are a professional
Bro used a suppressor. I'm kinda impressed ngl
If this guy somehow becomes the catalyst for Medicare for All, I will officially change my stance on
Otherwise though, it's cool, let's chill and enjoy vibes, but remember that we should not start doing adventurisms. Violence must be attached to a political movement.
Ever read "Radicalized" by Cory Doctorow?
at that point it's not adventurism, it's orienteering
This motherfucker is questing
thank you agent 47
brass swell* Excellent work 47. Now, make your way to the nearest citibike for extraction
You can't just say this without linking the video.
Also looks like that pistol has a suppressor nice.
I'm just glad the person's face can't be seen. Though I imagine there is a high chance that there are lots of CCTV cams that might have. Hope the person is able to ghost, and that overwhelming fear takes hold for other C Suite folks at UHC and really all companies.
i really really wish we could see it uncensored
I noticed the gun doesn't eject it's cartridge automatically. They manually cycle after every shot. I wonder if they were collecting the brass too.
EDIT: nevermind. Another video shows the gun cycling after being fired.
Likely subsonic rounds that have trouble cycling the action.
Edit: this is why if you happen to be stealthily doing adventurism you should use .45acp, it's subsonic by default and pairs well with a suppressor. In Minecraft.
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
where is the footage? i can't find it
1 down, 4,999,999 ways to kill a CEO to go
The CEO was into the mafia for 7 figures and they tried to blackmail him with his Sonic diaper porn fetish and that didn't work so they sent The Punisher.
Plata o pañal
Gotta 💩 fast!
I can hear this in Arin Hanson's Sonic impression
Chuds already baking it lol
I like the concept of some scion of an ancient banking clan working as a OBGYN lol
That Rothschild guy on LinkedIn is clearly selling some bullshit health insurance product and is just mad that he can't cold call Thompson to do a pitch. In other words, the way Thompson set up his account is working as intended rofl
Chuds have a real problem with them, even though they're practically irrelevant these days. I think it's anti-Semitism of some kind?
The real Rothschilds still have abit of money but chuds are dumb enough to think anyone with the same surname is connected to them lol
idk but I know the difference between a single stack and a double stack
Hard Disagree. Human lives have worth. This absolute lawlessness is heartwarming
Well, yeah, it was very cold outside today
How many people has this asshole killed
Good riddance
I hope it was an agonizing and slow death, that fuckin piece of shit
me when i'm a crab with the ability to dance and something worth celebrating (for example, a health insurance company CEO being shot) happens
You say it’s chilling, but it warms my heart
we should have ! and all users should be autobanned and only unbanned if they make a post this good or better
I would never be allowed to post there because all of my post would attract
dudes rock
Smoked ham
New anti-trust enforcement just dropped
US citizens love violence, no matter what platform you look at.
Folks we got a live one in the thread! I'm fairly confident this one's German, so folks go hog wild calling out this hypocritical kraut out
Lmao a nazi complaining about others loving violence
I'm one of the dozens of people worldwide that live in a country that's not America
Do you think denying people healthcare isn't violence?
How convenient you would pontificate about the US citizens' love for violence at this time.
I'm not a yank and I think this arsewipe had it coming.
You lost, nerd?
Not everyone here is a US citizen? But I guess assume whatever makes you happy
Not an American, but I agree with you - millions of Americans love the violence their country conducts through the facilitaton of the genocide in Palestine. Obviously you're an incredibly moral person who denounces all the vicious and barbaric murders perpetrated by Israel, yes?