Something about alternative ability skill checks or something lol
Something about alternative ability skill checks or something lol
Something about alternative ability skill checks or something lol
I love the idea of giving alternate options for common skill checks. Like if the party is searching a box for traps, have them roll performance. If they pass, then they were humming to themselves a little bit during the check, and it was such a catchy turn the box starts humming back!
Definitely not a mimic 😉
Last night one of the other players in my party realized we can use cantrips that only target creatures to check for mimics!
I seem to recall that Bend Bars/Lift Gates checks in AD&D often got generalized into a sort of "Feats of Strength" check, so I think this passes.
You really want to do a wisdom check on something that has been in the same place since it became a door? Hope that is new construction.
Hard to read on phone.