I think for april fools or something porn sites should move all the lesbian porn from the straight section to gay. The reactions would be funny. And would make slightly more sense than having it in straight.
Let's see... UN Declaration of Human Rights Article 19, Article 27.1 and maybe Article 12. I think we should not cheer something so immoral, that even governments are not allowed to do.
Article 19:
...this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
Article 27.1:
Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits.
Atricle 12:
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.
I love the part of this meme that trolls hypocritical bigots. I hate the part of this meme that bows to corporate overlords monitoring and controlling content.
As if any of those rights are respected and upheld, or even feasible to do so. Not to mention how they can be mutually exclusive.
And lastly sometimes it's fun to poke fun at bigots who are responsible for the suffering of a lot of people. (Not actually advocating for ISPs or governments spying and censoring shit but they do it already anyways)
I'm not one who likes censorship and hate the thought of my ISP dictacting what I do online, but I'd be down if they blocked all porn censored my content and dictated what I do online
There's certain morals that we as a society have been dipping. To me, porn is morally wrong. That's where Idrawn a line for myself. Others, they might only draw the line at drug use, murder, child porn, ect.
It's double hypocrisy. You can't shut on people wanting to control other people's actions by threatening to control their actions. I guess you can but I hate you equally at that point. I'm just a little too anarchist for this shit.
Being attracted to something while at the same time saying it's bad isn't (necessarily) hypocritical.
Take for example a pedophile who says child abuse is bad. Would you call it hypocritical for them to claim child abuse is bad while at the same time being attracted to csam?