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    The Lindy Way of Living

    A technology lawyer named Paul Skallas argues we should be gleaning more wisdom from antiquity.

    June 17, 2021

    The top comment -

    Female circumcision? Lindy.
    Conflating astronomical events with doom? Lindy.
    Patriarchy? Lindy.

    This ridiculous paleo-lite view of the world, where you pick and choose from history with no real criteria, really needs to go. I don’t understand the value of pretending that ancient times were glorious, when the life expectancy was under 40 and most people were illiterate and died from maladies of the teeth. Or violence.

    Everything he’s wearing in his picture? Not Lindy.

  • the beekeeper unironically rocked, it was like the matrix but without any of the philosophy and just the dumb action shit and world building, the villain was hunter biden, and the bee puns and bee themed villains were actually hilarious

    my favorite moment of the movie by far is when

    • I'm a half hour in now. It's hilarious. Hitting all the notes. Statham has kind of fallen off though. I expected more from him. Feels like he's a generic stand in tbh.

      lmao, I just got to the beekeeper, beekeeper part.

      edit: Great watch. So over the top that it's practically parody.

      • we're deffo not still in statham's crank era but the scene where he stares at the audience to monologue at us about how scamming the elderly is bad for five minutes, and "i think I'll take to bee" are both peak cinema

  • I still fall in the cautiously skeptical camp about this being our guy but this is definitely one way to square up all the contradictions for sure.