I don't like the term "free healthcare", because most of us would be paying for it in taxes, it would be more accurate to call it "socialized healthcare".
Saying "I want free healthcare" allows the media to twist your words and make you look like some "entitled brat" that "want everything for free".
Keep it simple and call it “healthcare”. No need to qualify it with anything.
The ones who still think Obamacare and ACA are different things definitely need a catchy label and marketing if they're gonna vote for it.
Or just lie to them, their own leaders have learned it doesn't matter what you tell them. Call it the "everyone gets a puppy" Bill or whatever. Then tell them they got a free puppy. They won't know they didn't.
It healthcare has a own risk (literal translation, I'm not sure about the English term) in which the first costs are out of pocket until you reach a certain amount (400-800 depending on your insurance package).
So it's not 'free' as you don't pay for all of it, but you can't go into crippling debt over medical payments.
But that sounds like socialism! We can't have that!
That would be like having some kind of socially based security!
Or ya know, simply Public Healthcare. Because it's for public. End of topic.
Universal healthcare
Insurance is already a socialized program- just a private one. Creating public health care simply removes the profit incentive.
It sort of is free though.
With private healthcare your coverage price goes up with medical needs. So the one time you need healthcare is the one time that you have to pay more for it.
With socialized healthcare you just pay the same base rate as everyone else, regardless of if you have complicated medical needs or not. Also in socialized healthcare if you don't have a job you don't pay anything, but you still get medical care.
Charity is the bandaid covering a societal failure
A bandaid that lets wealthy people get an ego boost and a tax write off
Let’s not forget that they create charitable ‘foundations’ which then work with lawmakers to create legislation, thus giving themselves greater influence over the relevant laws as well.
I once tried to explain this to someone Christian, they just called me selfish.
There's no virtue signalling in paying taxes
But there could be
Make a big show of making your tax records public
To be clear, it isn't free healthcare. In Canada we pay our taxes and the government administers the health insurance system. In Ontario where I live it's the Ontario Health Insurance Plan. It covers most doctors visits and most treatments. I have Hodgins Lymphoma and am nearing the end of my treatment. Dozens of doctors visits, CT scans, x-rays, an echo cardiogram, a respiratory study, two PET scans, and all the drugs and the only thing I've paid for out of pocket is parking, and the hospital where I'm being treated just put in free parking for cancer patients and gave me a parking pass. Our government negotiates the price of drugs at the national level and regulates drug prices. Companies aren't allowed to raise the price of a drug that is on the market unless there is a corresponding improvement in benefit to the patient. They can't add a coloured band to a capsule, rename the drug (Losec to Prilosec, for example) and double or triple the price. Generic drugs are the same. That's why epipens are $100 here and not $600 like in the US. There has been no substantion improvement in their benefit to patients so the price can't go up.
Universal healthcare isn't perfect but 22 of 23 highly developed countries in the world have it and the US profits before people system is grotesque.
I don't think many Americans in favor of universal healthcare think it's going to cost nothing. Of course, taxes will increase. But we already pay for private healthcare. Most of us via a payroll deduction.
We do as well. I have private coverage for things that OHIP doesn't cover like a private hospital room, massage, physio, and other therapies, eye glasses, dental, and prescription drugs. It's much, much cheaper than in the US because it is single payer and heavily regulated.
we not only pay for healthcare, compared to what the world pays, we pay for gold plated health care and get delivered garbage that bankrupts us.
I think their issue is everyone getting it. In American culture and Christianity, love must be conditional.
Only correct behaviour would mean you get rewarded/supported.
Their issue isn’t giving it away for free, their issue is not being able to classify certain members of society as a underclass that don’t deserve anything unless they conform to their values.
So it’s about power and control. Universal health care means you have no power over these individuals and what values they live by.
In countries with government provided healthcare for all, we still do dance marathons to pay for bits of it. Ugh maybe it's just the UK.
I just clap on my doorstep like a true philanthropist
Nah Canada does it too
the last Leafs game I was watching had an ad from Scarborough General Hospital begging for money and a Dug Ford ad big upping how easy it is to get care in Ontario in the same commercial break
Heading that way in Australia too
The marathons and stuff are to raise money for research more than to raise money for healthcare.
In my country there are multiple foundations and charity events, but these mainly aim to equip hostpitals rather than fund care. New equipment costs a lot in quantity hospitals need, and on gov money it would slowly trickle in. Meanwhile such events and foundations can greatly boost the speed of modernization.
There are aims to help with care funding, but that's pretty much explicitly cancer cases where we need top-of-the-line treatments that are not available on public healthcare.
Don't call it "free", it sounds like you are so out of touch with reality that you don't know that healthcare has costs.
The word is "universal". In my country, I paying for healthcare, but not as much as wealthly people here do. That's the main argument for it: the rich subsidize healtcare for the poor.
In my country I pay for health INSURANCE through income tax. I get healthcare for free. I call it free because I don't pay to go to the doctor or the hospital. ** So why is this distinction important to me? Because this means I don't have to worry about paying for healthcare. I don't save any money by not going to the doctor. I don't loose access to health care if I loose my job. As long as I am a citizen here, money and healthcare are two unrelated concerns.
I know that money is going from my salary and in some way to the hospitals etc, there's no way around that. But this way I don't have to worry about it. Not when paying my bills, not when needing health care.
Exactly if it comes out of tax technically it isn't free but at the same time you also don't really notice it.
Saying that you pay for health care through taxes it's a bit like saying that you pay to walk down the street through taxes, technically of course you do pay to walk down the street through taxes, but it is such a bizarre thing to say.
She just wants to dance
They don't want the possibility of helping everyone, there could be someone they don't like in there!
You didn't even put an Instagram filter on it. Are you even trying?
Yeah why dance all night when you can go join a mob and shout angrily at passersby all day?
Charity is our choice. Taxes are the force of the government. Everything you want funded by others should be funded by charity. We shouldn't be forced to pay for each other's choices.
Nobody chooses to get cancer. But everybody benefits from a society that lifts others up instead of kicks them when they're down. If you don't believe in helping other people then you're just a sad individual.
Then why are my insurance premiums paying for other people's illnesses? Why don't I get to decide how and when my insurance pays out? It's my insurance paid with my money. Also, who keeps building all these roads and bridges with my tax money? I shouldn't be forced to pay for infrastructure I don't use just because someone chose to live somewhere else!
This is an acceptable thing to believe if you're a teenager or younger. Past that it's just embarrassing.
It's what most MEGA supporters believe. Well, I say believe but that rather implies that they've thought about it, it's what they've been told to parrot.
Which I suspect is what we're dealing with here.
I don't deserve to die.
The problem with being a sovereign citizen is that in order to tell everyone about it you have to use government funded infrastructure which rather dilutes your message. Not that it was particularly coherent to begin with.