i have a full beard
i have a full beard
i have a full beard
It's amazing how much of fundamentalist Islamic culture is putting restrictions on others because these men have no self control.
Don't even have to say Islamic. Same shit with anyone who thinks they can be extra hardcore religious to stop their deep perversions.
Agreed. I dealt with this same shit in my church and among some of my peers.
worst chomo culture ever
That’s not how it works with fundamentalists and I wouldn’t trust the freaking Daily Mail tabloid to define any culture at all.
Explain how this is not exactly how it works. Isn't the whole point of internal jihad fighting against ones own weaknesses and faults to be closer to God. How is forcing beards on Men or women to cover everything but their eyes nothing more than failing in that jihad and making your own lust everyone else's problem.
Silly people who believe in sky bullies tell others that the others are the reason they're a bad person
Same shit in every controlling religion
Tell me you're attracted to men without telling me you're attracted to men.
Me, taking three busses to the city hall meeting, getting there early so I can get my name on the list, and then waiting for three more hours until my name is called:
Why are they so gay and are afraid to show it?
Yeah, just be gay and proud like the rest of us.
I don't know what is worse - the fact that this kind of logic flew for centuries, or the fact that these people still don't realize that yelling "I AM DEFINITELY NOT GAY YOU CAN TELL BY HOW SERIOUS I TAKE THESE MATTERS" is honestly a pretty terrible way of convincing people you aren't gay.
I don't like pcms. On Reddit they were mainly a vehicle to legitimate far right views as a normal position on the political spectrum.
I didn't realise this was a Political Compass thing but the colors of the backgrounds check out
"Where is your beard, Jeff! You are making me rape you! WTF!"
-- That turkish islamic peacher, apparently
So that's why they molest young boys.
Should have gone to Specsavers.
Does the beard on my balls count?
Let me take a nice close look to see if it makes me feel gay.
Sometimes I like to twirl my nut and shaft mustach
And women must be fully covered so that the men can imagine they are just more men underneath!
Will they ban kpop?
That wouldn't maybe be that bad of an idea—not because of the music or the performers, but because of the inhumane conditions and abuse the performers are forced to endure in this business. I mean, many countries have banned unethical products like foie gras, ivory, trade of exotic pets and endangered animals etc.
Taking a stance of not allowing an industry's products into the country unless the industry stops unethical and damaging practices, or banning unethical products and industries completely no matter how they're sourced, can be quite effective for reducing suffering and harm.
Oooooh that's why they grow a beard
Permanent "No Homo" sign
Translation: "I like twinks and I don't know how to process that"
Every accusation is a confession
If that finally gets me laid, not having a beard is a sacrifice I am willing to make
but he looks Amish without a mustache.
This sounds like something a teenage boy would say.
Is he powerful?
Pfft, everyone knows that
This preacher needs to calm down (assuming he really said that)
no, he just needs to come out of that closet
Just so you know, since you posted a PCM, we have opened a PCM community on Lemmy !pcm@lemmy.basedcount.com ran by the same mod team that we had on Reddit.
I don't even know what a pcm is. This just made me laugh
It’s Jay Onrait!
Not surprised this comes from some dumb islamic anti-freedom fool. I couldn't even grow a beard if I tried. 😆 Guess I'd be raped on a daily basis if I lived in a country with this kind of medieval mentality prevalent throughout the population. Or maybe that guy is just a derp talking more than he should, making a fool of himself, the religion he represents, and his country.