'Bluey' animated movie from Disney to hit theaters in 2027
'Bluey' animated movie from Disney to hit theaters in 2027

The first-ever "Bluey" animated film is headed to theaters in 2027 -- all the details.

'Bluey' animated movie from Disney to hit theaters in 2027
The first-ever "Bluey" animated film is headed to theaters in 2027 -- all the details.
My kid and I have really enjoyed the Australian version produced by ABC. The Disney+ American version shies away from some topics, which I find to be incredibly lame. I guess what I’m getting is: I hope Disney does more distributing than producing.
Which topics did they shy away from? I have only seen a few episodes and plan on watching the whole thing when I have more time.
Typically it’s toilet humor (which the Australian viewers are more casual about), but apparently there’s some cut/altered/restored content on both sides of the fence. https://blueypedia.fandom.com/wiki/Censorship_of_Bluey has the breakdown by season. Look for reasons with “Regional difference” in bold. Lots of things that “might be dangerous” are cut in the BBC versions. I find it kinda funny, but maybe I’m a dumb American lout. For example, in an episode about playing with balloons, they cut a scene showing Bluey blowing up the balloon because of “concerns about children with asthma wanting to do the act” 🙄
I think there were a few scenes or episodes removed because they discussed aspects of childbirth.
Genuinely surprised it took this long to make a bluey movie considering how popular it is
So I guess the show is over?
Not that I'd be mad if it is, I prefer it when shows wrap up on a high note.
They’ve been teasing a fourth season with new characters for a little while now.
Also there are a bunch of mini episodes on the YouTube channel. In fact lot of the full episodes have been uploaded as well.
Getting a movie doesn't mean the show's ending. Just off the top of my head The Simpsons, Rugrats, and Aqua Teen Hunger Force all had movies mid run.
And SpongeBob
You're talking about the preschool cartoon, right?
Yep! Not the cop show which is also Australian.