IQ tests
IQ tests
I always have lots of fun doing IQ tests.
For some reason, I decided to do a few, these past couple of days. I always get similar results, but this time I decided to go out onto the internet and see which tests actually have some reliability to them, as far as internet tests go, anyway. I know they're not exactly reliable, in any case, but it's fun!
The Mensa one is still the toughest... I honestly can't rationalize some of the latest puzzles, it's crazy... But the other ones are fine. I did one, yesterday, that I saw randomly on Reddit. It was super easy---as in, I solved every question confidently with time to spare---but I get to the end, BAM, paywall! I felt tricked... Thankfully, there's plenty of very reasonable, free ones online.
The part that always trips me up is the vocabulary section. I really suck at that, apparently. Maybe because English isn't my first language, I'm at a disadvantage? Not sure... I consider myself fluent. Maybe I'm not as good as I think. Or maybe I just suck at language.
Me no speak so good...
I've also been doing a few nonograms. I've never been good at sudoku-type puzzles, including nonograms, but it's still fun. I much prefer minesweeper... These are all in the same game category for me.