Saryn mains are going to be dining in hell.
Grineer are so great for testing weaponry.
Given their relative lack of annoying abilities; despite their armour, they're my favourite faction to fight.
Yeah, no nullification! Fuck debuffers.
I think this is enough sample size. You can kill them for real now.
"Mild genocide"
Gotta pump those numbers up, those are rookie numbers tenno.
Millions are dead by my hands, personally. My attendant is keeping a running tally...
...okay, I have some idea that that sounds... horrifying, let me explain.
I don't think wanking counts as killing the sperms.
I was being literal. Rounding to the nearest thousand puts that at 1.2 million. Estimating I think mine's the lowest killcount shown here so far.
Like a high score 😆 I haven’t come to that dialogue yet
I have certainly killed hundreds of millions of game enemies.