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Your favorite system fonts?

What fonts are you currently using on your system? Which do you think is best for the terminal or for your desktop environment?

(updates) Ok I think I'm a fan of Ubuntu nerd fonts right now

  • I switched to Commit Mono for Terminal not too long ago but I really like it. Otherwise I use Cantarell but only because it is default and I never felt the need to change it.

  • I mostly use an android, and the default font is Ideal Sans Light. On my system, Arial Nova, Courier Prime, Helvetica Neue, Ideal Sans Book and a few others are regulars.

    Every once in a while I get this itch which ends up in getting a new favourite font.

  • I don't have a favorite system font, am I meant to? I did try to play with fonts at one point but the process of finding fonts and then figuring out how to install them was a bit much.