If You’re Worried About the Future of Our Country, Do Something About It
If You’re Worried About the Future of Our Country, Do Something About It
If You’re Worried About the Future of Our Country, Do Something About It
"Do somerhing."
Kill evil CEOs in the street?
Tax the rich?
Hold the media accountable for slanting reality?
Lock up the fascists?
Yes, do something about it! So the New York Times can villify you when you do.
Ikr? Fuck the nyt. It's absurd.
I was curious if there were concrete suggestions, but not really. Get involved with....whatever. Grow, learn, accept the position on the board of that ballet company! Useful psych advice for general anxiety, but too generic. Like, joining your local KKK chapter could fulfill it just as easily as joining that group that pays off medical debt or joining a photography club.
I think if I was giving advice, I'd put in "find out how real what you're worried about is, using peer reviewed legitimate sources. Learn how to find out if something is legitimate first, if you don't know how." Then I'd recommend some sources on how to do that.
Then, after you've found out it's a real problem that needs work, find legitimate organizations working to solve it, and volunteer.
This way, you can start to reduce anxiety by concentrating your mental energy on real problems. If a law has zero chance of passing,turn your attention to opposing a different law that might.
This is still generic advice to the point of uselessness, but it feels slightly more related to what people are actually anxious about.
every time I see these type of things I think about how the large majority of us are desperately trying to keep roofs over heads and bellies full.
This article was an incredibly privileged viewpoint. He gets biweekly tutorials on AI from a techbro lmao.