Everforest Dark Medium
Everforest Dark Medium

- Wallpaper: Forest Stairs
- Plasma Theme: Edited version of Everforest Hard -- Edited to Everforest Dark Medium theme colors
- Icon Theme: Papirus - Papirus-Folders Nord (auroragreen for folder color)
- Fonts: BlexMono Nerd
- Discord: System24 theme (using edited version of Gruvbox theme -- edited to Everforest Dark Medium)
- Spotify: Text theme with edited color scheme to match Everforest Medium
- Firefox: Everforest Dark Medium
- Bento: Firefox Home Page -- Edited icons to match Everforest theme
- Dots: Dots-ish - Don't know if these qualify as dot files but here's some of the adjusted files I've used (plasma color scheme, edited system24 theme, edited colors file for Spicetify, and my fastfetch config.