They never admit they were just wrong
They never admit they were just wrong
They never admit they were just wrong
Or that everyone who got a vaccine would be dead in a year
Oh shit, I’m a ghost‽
And yet, I'm still paying taxes, wtf.
Yep, but you're still piloting your flesh-armoured skeleton.
I saw a early video from a "medical expert" the government was trying to "silence" we would all be dead within 6 months from the first jab containing cancer, ground up aborted baby fetuses, Aids, Cancer and Alzheimer's. I usually joke due to the Alzheimer's I've forgotten to die more than once now.
Most have moved on to Trans hate, bathroom use, child groomers and kidnapping. After reading Carl Sagan's Demon Haunted World, it seems there are old themes religions have used to invoke emotional responses from the masses to maintain control. These conspiracy types have stolen the same plays for their causes to great effect as who does not think child grooming and kidnapping is terrible?
It doesn't require much thought or research to be moved with this kind of raw emotion and in the 90s these child abuse themes were hard to confirm on a grand scale but also invoked the same responses as alien abductions once did.
not only was it an idiotic thing to believe, but the sheer joy many of them said this with, like they actually would revell in delight at the thought of "vaxxers" dying everywhere. real charming people.
another reason I will never give a cooker the time of day, other than to mock them and watch them get shouty and mad
And now that all their friends, family and coworkers who got the vaccine aren’t dead they’re kind of shitty about it. Any reasonable, decent human being would be so overjoyed and relieved that they were wrong. But they’re not, they’re annoyed. And now I’m supposed to carry on and trust them like they care about people other than themselves.
I saw a minivan go by just the other day that had large homemade foam (?) syringe on top of their car with the word "genocide" painted on. They're still waiting for it to happen.
WeLl tHe GoVeRnMeNt cHaNgEd ThE pLaN BeCaUsE tHe TrUtH WaS uNcOvErEd.
Stop. The vein in my forehead can only take so much.
Me: "What about all of the other governments? Europe, Africa, Australia, Russia, they're all in total agreement and doing it together?"
Them: processing that there are other countries and governments outside of the US's control
What about all of the other governments? Europe, Africa, Australia, Russia, they’re all in total agreement and doing it together
My mom: "Of course, the Powers That Be are in control. You think those governments have any say? You're so naïve.
"any moment now anyone who got the vax is gonna flop over and start foaming at the mouth, I heard it on the My Pillow Guy show."
I can't decide which is more depressing, people stupid enough to believe the shit, or the absurd lack of credibility their sources provide - fucking rubes and idiotic liars deserve each other I guess.
If the government wanted to kill people, they'd kill those who refused to comply.
So the thing that would make more sense, is that the COVID vaccine was an antidote, and the government was going to release a toxic gas to kill everyone who didn't take it.
But nah, their argument is that the government is killing those who comply. Ya, because that makes sense.
Someone straight up told me its because the elites only want those they can respect to survive.
It's a wierd form of hating them but desperately wanting their approval. I think they all just have daddy issues that aren't the kinky fun kind.
This is my same argument for gun ownership as well. While I'm not against people owning guns, to think that us civilians would survive any decent length of time of the government finally came down on us is laughable.
'That's because the COVID "vaccine" is full of nano-particles that the government can use to control you.'
See, you didn't take the crazy-thinking far enough.
No, the way it is currently is any time someone in the news that is seemingly healthy but has a major heart issue (for example Bronny James) they immediately jump and say "IT WAS THE VACCINE!".
And, since the vast majority of people have been vaccinated, it follows that the vast majority of people who have heart attacks have been vaccinated.
Go-go base rate fallacy!
BTW, it's awesome that the graphic for the Base Rate Fallacy is specifically about COVID vaccinations.
Being a republican means you never have to admit you're wrong. You just live in a whole other universe where chemtrails turn the frogs gay, and Trump is an innocent, Christ-like patriot.
What I never understood (not from America), is that one party claims to really care about freedom and less involved government.
Whenever I hear that I think cool, so the freedom to have full autonomy over your body? Legal drugs, abortion, etc. Or the freedom to marry who you want, whatever gender. The freedom to legally end your own life, for example if you are terminally ill.
But usually it's just large companies shouldn't pay tax and we want guns, but for everything else fuck freedom.
No, you understand completely. The people voting for that party are just brainwashed morons and middle class dipshits with a few stocks who think they'll become billionaires if only regulations were looser. You understand American politics better than like 80% of Americans.
Also while they claim to oppose the government, somehow the military and police don’t count. Plus how most veterans vote for the party that routinely wants to reduce benefits for veterans.
What gets me is the obvious con of it all. They preach anti establishment rhetoric... while being the establishment. They tell people not to trust the government... while in government... and expect people to trust them. And it works.
And I don’t get why they hate the King so much either. The monarchy brings lots of tourism money into the country.
USA is not the center of the world
I wish. They still protest against the lockdowns every saturday down here in Melbs. You know, the lockdowns that are long over. But they want those freedoms that aren't being restricted in any way, shape or form, dammit!
I’ve seen the anti-vaxxers out and about. They have all these photos of people on little sticks and you think it’s going to be people who allegedly died of vaccines, but when you get up close it’s all stuff like “Marie had the Moderna vaccine. A day later she sprained her ankle climbing down off a horse.” “John had a sniffly nose a few weeks after Pfizer.”
Tell me about it... They shit me up the walls.
Now they have their "say no to the voice" rally with actual literal Nazi's. I mean conspiracy theory territory can get alt-right very quickly but to have actual Nazi's at your rally... You fucked up.
I've heard someone tell me "it's a hoax but I got sick twice" in the same sentence.
I had a shopkeeper tell me it was a hoax and a few members of his family died of it.
Like he said it was a hoax and then after a passage of time a few members of his family died, or those were both things said in one conversation?
My boss lost his sense of smell (it's been over a year). He copes by saying he's never been much of a foodie! He tells employees not to take covid tests.
Yeah my mil was avaxx. Then she infected the entire damned family, including two kids under five.
I have a cousin who still insists that her mom died of pneumonia and that it wasn't COVID. Her husband is currently in prison for storming the capitol on January 6th, which tells you all you need to know. It's weird because she's the only one in my extended family who's even remotely into far right craziness.
Shall I assume you don't live in the USA?
They withheld any information about C-19 to US citizens until into 2020. Yet I found myself sick with 'influenza' for Christmas 2019.
That was the closest thing worth calling a 'hoax', the fact that it came out in 2019, but the US public wasn't even made aware of it until later into 2020.
By then people were already sick, and it was spreading out of control. Lockdown was about a joke at that point, they waited too long for lockdown to do a damn thing.
BTW, it didn't affect me any worse than any other case of a strong cold or the flu, though I totally realize it affected others differently.
Live in the US. I saw the news covering it in 2019 and showing footage of people passing out in China. China was the one downplaying it to the world back then.
No time to talk about that now. Busy moving the goal posts.
Moving the goalposts suggests that they're still talking about the same thing. Instead they've moved on to a new conspiracy and don't even remember claiming the lockdowns were going to be permanent.
In other words:
"Who cares about lockdowns, that was 2 years ago. What matters is the Biden Crime Family!"
Remember when the "plandemic" was going to end the day after the 2020 election?
Check out INFOWARS (or much better yet check out Knowledge Fight). The ever looming prospect of more lockdowns and the globalist takeover is always coming tomorrow. When it inevitably doesn’t come, it’s because they exposed it.
Trump gave a speech recently to his army of idiots trying to convince them that the lockdowns will be back just in time to stop them from voting for him.
can't move goalposts if they're dead!
Everybody who got the vaccine was supposed to be dead by now, too. This is has gotta be the slowest-acting poison in history!
I had like four shots now, so it’s possible it killed me so hard that I came back to life again.
Coved vaccine, so deadly it will save your life!
Within the next 100 years it's a nearly 100% mortality thanks to the 5G receiver by Bill Gates, checkmate!
I assume the accepted copout is something along the lines of, "You can thank us for making enough noise that they backed down. Sheepdogs, sheep, blah blah something something..."
Especially since there are people in places of the world that would kill for a vaccine
I kinda wish we still had to wear masks
Winter time in close quarters where people are sick are the perfect time to wear
The facemask keeps so much heat inside my body, really shows how scarves have been fucking around this whole time.
They’ll just claim that it was because of their efforts that they prevented the Islamic takeover of the US through mask mandates, when really it was all because Trump didn’t want his makeup rubbing off on his mask. One man’s vanity and the whole nation suffers.
You're grossly underestimating these people if you think they ashamedly disappeared. They're just convinced they won a small victory.
In their minds they weren’t wrong they just succeeded in stopping it
IKR? credits where its due! Thanks, crazy man with the hastily scrawled anti-mask placard
still plenty of cookers in Australia. they are even still protesting that shit that ended checks calendar 2 fucking years ago.
they never admit they were wrong, but you can't shut those stupid fucks up
Cookers? What are they cooking?
their minds
They still won't admit they were wrong. They don't possess the willingness to self reflect whatsoever. Imagine living such an empty husk of an existence.
It wouldn't really be self reflection, because these people don't really believe the nonsense they say.
When they say the government is going to stay locked down forever, they don't mean it literally. To them "lock down" is a vibe and "government" is a vague Them that controls the world. As long as the vibes are fucked and They are in charge, it feels correct.
Still waiting for Obama to take all my guns and outlaw Christmas tbh.
Those dudes are dead lol
They're too busy protesting pronouns. Gotta find something new to be grumpy at.
No, they just moved on to repeating verbatim every other talking point they're spoonfed. Hunter's laptop, "it'll be gone after the election", Hillary's emails, election hoax
And the email BS that transpired after "Hilary's emails" was much worse than what they were crying about in that election. It was a great way to take the eye off the ball.
Oh near me there are some idiots still waving banners about gender lockdowns and other inane bullshit.
Wtf is a gender lockdown?
Phase 36 of the gay agenda, all cis people will be locked down until the vaccines turn them trans
I don't know, I've never bothered to stop and ask them. They chalk it onto the barriers of the overpass they "protest" on
I’ve got some of this lot on my LinkedIn, of all places, all hoping to one day stop being openforwork by non-stop posting conspiracy theories where potential employers can see it. Their latest thing is that they saw The Hunger Games and decided that 15 minute cities means walled-off districts rather than simply not having to drive everywhere to get what you need.
Some of the shit I've read about 15 minute cities makes me really wonder how people take those nuts at all seriously ever again.
No no, you see, they WON, that's why! /s
I've seen Facebook nutters screaming about 20mph limits in residential neighbourhoods.
Apparently this is a Chinese scheme called "20 minute neighbourhoods" to prevent anyone travelling outside their hometown. I'm not entirely sure of the fucking mental gymnastics required for those leaps of logic. I decided not to argue, because nobody wins pigeon chess, and also she was kind of hot.
The concept of 15 minute cities is just urban planning being used as the boogeyman.
And that basically is what we have in the Netherlands and it's awesome. Literally everyone raves about how nice it is when they see it but they hate evil government 15 minute cities
It's amazing to me how that happened. It almost feels like it's part of some one-upmanship campaign for different propagandists.
One says "Ok, I'm going to take a boring, UN plan about sustainable development called 'Agenda 21' and make people think it's some evil conspiracy, despite the full text being available online."
The other says: "Nicely done, but you think that's good, I can make people hate the concept of pleasant, walkable cities!"
It's not like Canada hasn't had 30 km/h school zone speed limits forever. They're completely deranged, you did good not arguing.
They are projecting. It would be nice if we as a society had enough resources to ask them what really makes them feel bad.
We know what makes them feel bad. It's the brown people
That and the fact that everything about our society shits on working people and tells them that it's their own fault that they aren't rich like the college-educated elites who look down on them.
It doesn't actually make any sense, but I am telling you that this is a huge part of the resentment that Trump was able to tap.
they think they won a giant victory sigh
Because they got called out, questioned about their reasoning, and had no good rebutle. Question everything, and show your sources.
I'm very happy I have very little real-life experience with any of the anti-vax idiocy, and that it wasn't really a big thing in my country. Seeing all of the conservative 'muricans loose their minds over it has been both hilarious and frightening.
We still see occasional clubhouse rallies on the side of the street here in my city. They don't even know what they're protesting anymore, and are now waving both US and Russian flags. We're Canadian. My wife and I like to appear visibly laughing whenever we pass by. Sometimes I fantasize about having a device on the side of my car that launches a hornet's nest in their general direction, but I don't think they make those.
Round 2 coming soon to a face near you!
Joke's on you. I am 5G now and thanks to Bill Gates I can control The Windows with my mind.
It’s amazing to imagine an oppressive government wanting everyone to wear masks forever without a religious demand for modesty. Like you have surveillance that relies on facial recognition.
What's funny is wearing masks in public was illegal in a lot of places
But but gOvBerMeNt iS sTiLl bAd.
I'm sure they think it's because they were so annoying, lmao. Like they think they did something.
Be careful they might actually think there trucks and protests is what saved the world.
chip won't allow it
People, or "People"?
You know what's also been disappearing? The clip where Rachel Maddow claims "the virus stops with every vaccinated person" on MSNBC. Has anyone admitted that the efficacy of the new vaccines has been massively overstated?
I mean, people not vaccinating didn't help as it gives more people for it to run through, mutate, spread, mutate again, spread again, etc... Which means needing new vaccines depending on the mutations.
There are likely many more factors, I'm not a doctor
Really shouldn't listen to Rachel Maddow tho, she went hard into russiagate too and afaik still defends her coverage.
What a cringe take.
I'm broke 2 weeks before I'm broke 2 weeks, then I'm broke 2 more...
Edit: Guess you folks can't catch a joke. They said lockdown would only be 2 weeks, then 2 more weeks, then on and on and on.
Eventually people had no choice but to get back to living life, working and obtaining groceries and such.
Lockdown itself was about a joke, as if people can live indefinitely without fresh food or earning money to pay the bills.
Reality is this is an English thread, I don't speak or read whatever language that is.
And don't tell me to use Google Translate, this phone is degoogled and I ain't about to change that to read a foreign article when I live in and experienced the USA side of things.
Would you care to translate for the audience?
Right, it was only a 2 week lockdown, just like they said! And the vaccine took care of covid once and for all!
"We refused to cooperate and look: it didn't work!"
Experts: "If absolutely everybody stops coughing on each other for like two weeks then this can still be another non-event like H1N1."
Morons who didn't mask or quarantine or do anything different whatsoever: "TWOOO WEEEEEEKS!"
"Stop hitting yourself! Stop hitting yourself!"
It would have been if not for idiots refusing to wear masks and lock down
Well it certainly didn't kill us all :) x
COVID mortality basically dropped to a rarity with the vaccine. You can also check public data and see the population of non vaccinated against vaccinated. There is plenty of data to show the vaccines are working. Don't trust the talking heads, check for yourself!