So thanks to this community, I have found the wonders of Audiobookshelf! Seems very promosing so far, but my main gripe is with my folder structure.
I am therefore wondering if there is any media sorter tools out there? I'm thinking something along the lines of (for plex) that I can use to sort the files into a supported folder structure for ABS, but even better would be if it also had a metadata agent that created an .obf file with common information.
If anyone has any tips it would be greatly appreciated, even if it's some script that someone uses for own personal use that they wouldn't mind sharing, I'm not closed to doing some coding work myself in order to get this right.
I use Readarr, it's an automation tool such as Sonarr and Radarr. You don't necessarily need to use it to do the download portion and could only use it for sorting / folder structure, but that might be overkill.
I imported all my Audible audio books (I used OpenAudible to download them) without much issue.
It does seem a bit like overkill :D I might try it, but otherwise I might try to figure something out myself at some point. Sounds like a nice hobby project.
So you set up a download folder, that is where it expects new files. Then you can drop them in there and it should be detected for automatic import (if it is confident), otherwise manual import (where you select the author & book & format). You still need to add the author to the library in order to have it manage it.
I'll be on my computer later so if you're still having trouble let me know and I can try and put together a step by step guide.
So OpenAudible kinda gives me the information I need in the metadata, so I ended up making a simple python script that copies them around based on that.
I sirt it manually. I just rip a CD, edit its metadata with MusicBrainz Picard then place all the MP3's in a folder for just the book and then move it to the folder of the author.
Once scanned by audiobookshelf I modify the metadata a bit more and then let audiobookshelf combine the book to one file.