Every DRM related app afterwards: WARNING! This phone is running insecure software and is incompatible with this service.
And before you tell me just to not use Netflix on my phone, I'm talking about a government app that lets me authenticate and without which I can't read official messages or login to any government or banking service.
So if I want to survive as an adult Dane, I pretty much have to figure out which company I would like to get sodomized by, and which is less of a clingy little bitch afterwards.
It's honestly such a pain in the ass to say no to everything Google shoves down your throat these days. And even after you say no it will remind you every so many days just in case you changed your mind after the 15th time you said no. Android used to be the "cool" phone but nowadays if you don't install your own custom ROM it's basically just Apple with extra steps
I'd love to degoogle and debullshit my phone but then I need the back app... I'd like to tap with my phone to pay, and that won't be allowed because we can have nice things.
I'd like to use a host of other apps I won't be able to use anymore...
Any solution that allows me to just use a nice phone with all the features?