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I don't really like those hyper-minimalist homes with blank walls and a single, cube-of-wood bedside table. They look empty --- in a bad way --- and soulless; they lack personality.

However, I don't really think personality can be bought, at least not in a shop. Buying some cool lamps or vases to put your succulents in, or something like that, feels tacky and soulless too. Reminds me of those clichés of people wearing band-shirts and getting asked "name 10 songs by that band!!!!" and such. Hilarious memes, by the way.

There's a sticker of the Gladewater Rodeo Round-up in my room. No clue if someone actually participated or attended or whatever you do at that thing, but it's a real event, and a real sticker. That's the kind of thing I want to have in my home. That's personality.

I guess what I'm getting at is that I want to do things, and then get mementos from those things, and then put them in my house. Revolutionary idea, I know. I simply had never thought of that before.

  • My home is entirely decorated with knick knacks that are personal to us. Things we found on the ground, or shit from concerts or whatever. Photos on walls are all just silly pictures we took throughout the years, no professional photography shit. All lamps and things are unique and either bought at a thrift shop or found or handed down. Same with furniture, just whatever we've had or got from someone or whatever. Anyone who has been to my house always spends some time looking around at things and asking what is this and we always have a story behind it. Never, "bought it at the mall" same with our pictures. We have hundreds of photos all of which have a story behind them and each in a unique frame we found somewhere or bought in a garage sale or something.

    Long story short, I'm with you and I hate soulless homes. 99% of the house I go in are just cookie cutter bullshit with zero personality.

    • We have hundreds of photos all of which have a story behind them

      I think this might be key, the stories. Having a story behind what you have in your home.

      Your home sounds amazing :D Happy you have a nice place to live, filled with good memories and mementos.

      • Thank you! We love our home and it is uniquely ours. Anyone can do the same. However, my mother in law hates our house and she is one of the soulless home decorators so it's not for everyone. I prefer my house to be more like a flea market than a museum.