I don't really like those hyper-minimalist homes with blank walls and a single, cube-of-wood bedside table. They look empty --- in a bad way --- and soulless; they lack personality.
However, I don't really think personality can be bought, at least not in a shop. Buying some cool lamps or vases to put your succulents in, or something like that, feels tacky and soulless too. Reminds me of those clichés of people wearing band-shirts and getting asked "name 10 songs by that band!!!!" and such. Hilarious memes, by the way.
There's a sticker of the Gladewater Rodeo Round-up in my room. No clue if someone actually participated or attended or whatever you do at that thing, but it's a real event, and a real sticker. That's the kind of thing I want to have in my home. That's personality.
I guess what I'm getting at is that I want to do things, and then get mementos from those things, and then put them in my house. Revolutionary idea, I know. I simply had never thought of that before.