Just learned about the T3 boots. What does everybody think about them?
Just learned about the T3 boots. What does everybody think about them?
Just learned about the T3 boots. What does everybody think about them?
i played about 5 games in this season. i'd say the boots are overhyped. i tried super hard to get them every game but the fact that you can only buy them after two legendary items and that their effects arent as great (at least the ones i build), makes them good imo. it adds ton of excitement and fun to the early game, trying to get that first turret for example. it encourages the laners to roam for epic monsters. and the bonus the shoes provides is not really a snowball. they are too weak and too expensive to snowball. i personally rather bought a third item component than shoes when they became aviable. for late late game i hope they will help close games then.
It depends on which ones you get, I'd say the swifties, tabi and merc threads are pretty good to upgrade. The others are decent but nothing too special. If you build attack speeds boots then you basically get access to a cheaper version of Zephyr, which was removed.
In my experience so far, it's led to a lot more snowballing in games. I've played 10 (ranked) games so far and out of those 10 only 2 of them lasted past 30 minutes, the team that won the battle of the boots won 9/10 games and I've seen a lot of raging, flaming and quitting already. Overall it's not been great. But hey, I guess it shakes up the meta. Welcome back early game stomp champions... Looking forward to seeing Draven ADC every game.
im gonna give a hot take here: the flaming team (almost) always looses. i dont think its the boots beeing such a power boost, i think the fact you lost so much originates in people beeing mad about not haveing them. imo, i could 1v1 and teamfight well against upgreated boots. and i play singed who is heavily reliant on ms.
I am not willing to die on this hill. Maybe the boots are op, but i really dont feel that.
Interesting, thanks for sharing!
Seems to put even more pressure on junglers, and the fact that they can only bee available to one team seems weird
I agree, I think they should be available for either team but that the team that gets the Feats of Strength first should get them earlier. Also, the jungle flame (and first blood giveaway flame) is so much worse now. I've even had quite a few people rage quit already and I've only played 10 games so far. Out of those 10 games there was only 1 game where the team that got the boots upgrade did not win and it was because the enemy team had a mega fed Irelia who could just 1v9.
I mute everyone by default, seems to be the recommendation among junglers