I've been particularly preoccupied with my personal hygiene, as of late. It's not that I think I'm unhygienic, but I do think it can be improved. Additionally, I think these habits will really make a difference in how people treat you and how long you'll get to live a stress-free life. Also, the more I think of my retirement, the more I think of the issues that are gonna come with that, specifically in old age, namely tooth decay. As such, I've elected to invest in that.
I've been flossing, lately. I didn't use to. I'm not perfect, and it's a pain in the ass, and I need to buy those interdental brushes (weren't available at my local grocery store, for some reason, but I'll look somewhere else after I make this post, worry not), but I'm doing it. I hope it'll improve my oral health. I also got an Oral-B Pro Series 3. It ran me a nice bill, but I'm hoping it'll be one of those things that last me a long, long time, and hopefully the longevity of my teeth will make it worth it.
I also got CeraVe moisturizing lotion. I have terrible skin, always have, and I've used Uriage Xémose my whole life. I mean it, literally my whole life, my mum bought it for me as an infant I'm pretty sure. I'm a little sceptical of CeraVe, since I'm so used to Uriage's products, but I'm willing to give it a fair shot. Also, I'm strongly considering buying a CeraVe cleanser and a La Roche-Posay sunscreen. Maybe I'm overdoing it, with going for "brand-stuff" instead of just buying some cheap thing, but I've been burnt before with subpar products... My skin does not take kindly to mismanagement.
I've developed a bit of a skincare routine to try and improve my skin health. I know stress is a huge factor in my skin health, and so is the wintertime---I'm not having a good time, right now---but I feel like my routine of just... Intense moisturizing is, perhaps, suboptimal. Cleanser + Moisturizer + Sunscreen seems to be the standard, as far as basic skincare routines go. It's a lot of money though, and I'm unsure of how it'll last. I know the moisturizer should last me a long time, and I don't really doubt that the cleanser will as well, but the sunscreen is a bit of a problem. From what I can see, it won't last me very long at all, if I use it regularly... Pain in the ass. I don't think that's the most critical step, anyway, and depending on what I'm gonna be doing on any given day I suppose I can forgo its usage, but still. Upsetting.
That's about it, really, as far as hygiene goes, that I want to improve on. I'll test out my toothbrush today, and I'll make sure to stick to the CeraVe moisturizer for a week to see how I like it.
If anyone that knows anything about this stuff is reading this, feel free to let me know what you think of the CeraVe moisturizing lotion as compared to other products in the category, as well as the CeraVe moisturizing cream. I was undecided between both, but I decided to go with the lotion because it seemed to be closer in texture to the moisturizer I'm used to, though I have no idea if one is better or more effective than the other.