My first Pleiades attempt
My first Pleiades attempt
63 x30 sec tracked, 10 of each calibration frames. Stock Sony A6000, ISO 1600. 500mm f8 ish with a ttartisan lens.
Feedback appreciated!
My first Pleiades attempt
63 x30 sec tracked, 10 of each calibration frames. Stock Sony A6000, ISO 1600. 500mm f8 ish with a ttartisan lens.
Feedback appreciated!
Focus looks sharp.
Tracking looks great, only slight trailing on the smallest/faintest stars.
That 12? bladed aperature produced some gnarly diffraction spikes. I like it.
Looks like maybe there was a wisp of cloud over some of the frames? Hard to tell—outdoors on mobile atm.
Either way, looks great. Everything it's supposed to be and nothing it isn't. Definitely ready to move on to some slightly tougher targets if you wanted.
Spot on! A few clouds, discarded about 20% of my lights but given the overall time of just over 30mins I kept some I maybe shouldn't have.
Also I don't have a dew heater yet so I had some condensation issues.
That is indeed a 12 blade aperture, the lens is a ttartisan 500mm f6.3
Not an affiliate link or whatever, just Googled it.
Thank you for your kind words!
The Seven Sisters. Nice shot.
Thank you! I'm currently trying to get decent shots of the easier targets before moving on to harder ones
IMHO the clouds improve the image.
Looks great to me!