I just installed apt cacher ng for catching my apt upgrade packages and saw a huge time improvement even though I have a good internet connection. It act as a proxy and caches the response packages.
Do you run something similar? Or maybe even run a local repo mirror? Warning, they are really big so I don't think it is recommended unless you really need almost everything.
I use apt cacher ng. Most of my use case though is for caching of packages related to Docker image builds as I build up to 200+ images daily. In reality, I have aggressive image caching so I don’t actually build anywhere close to that many each day but the stats are impressive. 8.1 GB of data fetched from the internet but 108 GB served from the acng instance as it shows in the stats page of recent history.
I want to look into apt-cacher-ng for learning purposes, to stop 10s of VMs in my homelab from adding load to Debian official repos, and also to check if there is a way to have it only mirror a list of "approved" packages.
saw a huge time improvement even though I have a good internet connection
Semi-related I have set up a personal APT repository on gitlab pages: https://nodiscc.gitlab.io/toolbox/ (I think Ubuntu users would call that a "PPA"). It uses aptly and a homegrown Makefile/Gitlab CI-based build system (sources/build tools are linked from the page). I wouldn't recommend this exact setup for critical production needs, but it works.
Now, create additional directories under /var/www/html/packages/ to save packages depending upon your system’s architecture. For example, create a directory “amd64″. You can keep multiple directories and serve packages to different architecture systems at the same time.
mkdir /var/www/html/packages/amd64
Copying all DEB files from Debian installation media
Mount the first CD/DVD and copy all .deb packages to /var/www/packages/amd64/ directory from your CD/DVD.
After copying all deb files, unmount the first DVD using the following command.
umount /media/cdrom
Again mount all remaining CD/DVD one by one and copy the .deb files as shown above.
To verify the files, navigate to from your browser. You will see all packages of your Debian DVD’s. Here is my Debian server’s IP address.
Index of -packages-amd64 - Google Chrome_002
Create Catalog file
Switch to your repository directory i.e /var/www/html/packages/amd64/ :
cd /var/www/html/packages/amd64/
and enter the following command to create a catalog file for APT use. You should run this command so that Synaptic Manager or APT will fetch the packages from our local repository. Otherwise the packages in your local repository will not be shown in Synaptic and APT.
This command will scan all deb files and create the local repository in your Debian server. This may take a while depending upon the number of packages in your local repository folder. Be patient or grab a cup of coffee.
Sample output:
dpkg-scanpackages: warning: Packages in archive but missing from override file:
dpkg-scanpackages: warning: accountsservice acl acpi acpi-support-base acpid adduser adwaita-icon-theme apache2-bin apg apt apt-listchanges apt-offline apt-utils aptitude aptitude-common aptitude-doc-en aspell aspell-en at at-spi2-core avahi-daemon
The dvds are fine for offline use. But I dont know how to keep them updated. Probably result in taking loads of spaces as I guess they are equal to a repo mirror
sudo mount -o loop ~/Downloads/debian-8.0.0-amd64-DVD-1.iso /media/repo_1/
sudo mount -o loop ~/Downloads/debian-8.0.0-amd64-DVD-2.iso /media/repo_2/
sudo mount -o loop ~/Downloads/debian-8.0.0-amd64-DVD-3.iso /media/repo_3/
Edit the /etc/apt/sources.list file to add the repository
vim /etc/apt/sources.list
deb file:///media/repo_1/ jessie main contrib
deb file:///media/repo_2/ jessie main contrib
deb file:///media/repo_3/ jessie main contrib
I use it with Kubuntu. Doing apt update is now much faster. I did some testing and found some good public mirror so I could max my connection(100 Mbit) with about 15ms latency to the server. But I think the problem was there are so many small files. Running nala to fetch the files in parallel helps of course. With apt local ng I don't need nala at all. The low latency and files on gigabit connection to my server leads to fast access. Just need to find a good way to fill it with new updates.
A second problem is to figure out if something can be done to speed up the apt upgrade, which I guess is not possible. Workaround with snapshots and send diff does not sound efficient either, even on older hardware.
apt update - 4 seconds vs 16 seconds.
apt upgrade --download-only - 10 seconds vs 84 seconds;
This is what I use Foreman and Katello for. Package mirror with x versions synced automatically with all my machines subscribed. Or it would be, if I ever got around to actually setting the damn thing up. I have a debian package repo and a few things subscribed, but I'd like to add more.