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ArchiveBox is a powerful, self hosted internet archiving solution to collect, save, & view websites offline.

Without active preservation effort, everything on the internet eventually disappears or degrades. does a great job as a centralized service, but saved URLs have to be public, and they can’t save every type of content. ArchiveBox is an open source tool that lets organizations & individuals archive both public & private web content while retaining control over their data.

It can be used to save copies of bookmarks, preserve evidence for legal cases, backup photos from Facebook, Instagran, Flickr, Youtube, Soundcloud, & etc. It's important as an archiver that everyone self hosts & continues to share with each other everything to have multiple instances with the same files backed up & shared across each other. gets law suits & removes over 1.5million files of music, movies, tv shows, & music. You can't trust one centralized source so spread the word & preserve with your instance of Archivebox.


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