Is OpenMandriva ready for gaming ?
Is OpenMandriva ready for gaming ?
Is OpenMandriva ready for gaming ?
Wow. That name brought some memories
Looking at wiki
a rolling release
Initial release November 22, 2013
So it seems it's rather mature distro and since it's rolling release, it should be rather up-to-date, without reinstalling every half a year
I'm not sure where to browse the official package list, but loooking at
But maybe I'm missing something in how the distro manages versions
The rolling one is definitely worth trying, IMO
People reinstall?
I've moved to rolling release distros long time ago, I don't know what is the current situation. But back then reinstalling was the less painful way of updating point release distros. Because the old one was version locked for so much time, one had to spend a lot of time and effort to migrate to a newer release, figure out what replaces what etc
Whoa. TIL!
I thought Mandrake/Mandriva died over a decade ago, I had no idea it was still kicking around!