RedNote may wall off “TikTok refugees” to prevent US influence on Chinese users
RedNote may wall off “TikTok refugees” to prevent US influence on Chinese users

Rumors swirl that RedNote may segregate Chinese users as soon as next week.

RedNote may wall off “TikTok refugees” to prevent US influence on Chinese users
Rumors swirl that RedNote may segregate Chinese users as soon as next week.
This is a hilarious turn of events.
Imo it's more sad than hilarious. US users and Chinese users meeting each other on the platform and discovering they are interesting people who actually have a lot in common sounds like what I'd wish the internet to be.
It's not surprising, and I get the irony, but I feel more sad than amused.
You know, the news about Chinese and American users comparing their worldviews seemed weird to me because it reads like this is the first time Chinese and American users have interacted and had the chance to talk "candidly".
My first thought was, "Why the fuck is this news? It's not like Chinese users can't interact on American platfor---"
...oh. Right. The great firewall.
I totally agree with you.
We shouldn't be cheering on segregation.
This was the turn of events anyone who knows anything about China and the CCP (and how closely they control businesses there) would have expected.
TikTok is banned in China, so why would anyone ever expect this would be different in this case?
They're gonna build a firewall, and the US is gonna pay for it!
China: we’re supposed to be doing the influencing here.
It amazes me how people apparently can't live without watching shitty videos all the time... Oh, well.
It’s an addiction. No other way to describe it. Like your coke dealer ran out so you gotta switch to crack instead.
It's not really an 'addiction.' It's a culture.
People don't value things that take time or effort anymore. All they want is their instant-gratification to forget about their shitty lives a little bit longer. Short-form video and posts provide this for them.
It's all according to plan to keep people apathetic until the day they die. That way, they never fight back against the people pulling their strings.
I feel exactly the same way. It's like they can't imagine a world without it. When it's banned they'll have to fill their time just staring at the wall.
It would be great if they switched to Zen Buddhism a few hours a day though.
Or, heaven forbid, talk to people in the real world.
I find takes like this unfortunate. I learned SO much on TikTok. Accounts like gatenerd, jerrythink, kellyscleankitchen, softpourn, publicopinion, hankgreen, alexisanddean, thelawsayswhat, kylascan, and countless interior designers, architects, chefs, and all the others I can’t recall.
There is no other platform like TikTok where you can get drawn in not just in minutes watched, but in knowledge gained. Wish you shared my experience.
Reading can accomplish the same thing, although it is a skill that has to be developed.
Yeah, sure /s
So if having an Asian fetish is called yellow fever in the West, what’s having a Caucasian fetish called in China?
White lightning
Cracker addiction
Marshmallow s'more
I tried to challenge some ideas in World News and I guess asking questions about Chinese censorship is xenophobic. Now I'm banned for not being pro Chinese censorship.
There’s your problem. If they stated their rules, rather than forcing people to figure them out by trial and error, I’d have less of an issue with it. Like, lemmygrad is explicit in its intent and they state it outright in their rules. plays it too coy, and so comes off as incredibly manipulative.
You just broke the secret law!
Typical fascist behavior.
Sounds very You have been banned from /r/Pyongyang
Rule 1 - whatever we decide it is at that moment
Oh gosh, I thought you meant .world World News for a minute there. Yeah the problem is .ml, they're tankies.
whats that about "curry smell" and "they discovered deodorant"?
edit: nvm, those are from somebody else
Those are other users' comments. Not sure how those are relevant to JiveTurkey's comments.
Those sound like comments on a different topic, specifically the story about Paris' improvements in air quality lately (because they built bike infrastructure and partially banned cars). I had to remove nearly identical comments in the ! thread on it, for the same reason.
I jive with you, Türkiye!
To be fair, there are plenty of critical content. It's just that they use coded language to avoid the censorship. (Probably not on XHS / RedNote though? It's more of a Facebook equivalent.)
The irony.
Even international spy networks are worried about American kids.
RedNote's Chinese name, Xiaohongshu, literally translates to "Little Red Book," which seems like a direct reference to a book of quotes from Chinese communist leader Mao Tse-tung. But The Washington Post reported that the app is designed to be apolitical and its co-founder, Mao, maintains that the name instead pays "homage to the colors of his college," Stanford Business School, and his former employer, Bain Capital.
You wouldn't expect anyone named Mao to be political, so that checks out. His brothers Lenin and Stalin are equally apolitical.
"Homage to the fact that they're going get what's coming"
Can’t have them getting ideas like tolerance for minorities.
From Americans?
America is of the few nations that has to deal with real diversity, so yes.
Not from America. America is full of hatred towards minorities.
Oh come off it mate. It’s not hard to see where the US has lead the charge in topics such as LGBT+ rights or racial equality, and it wasn’t from Asia or Europe let me tell you that much.
They may have a shit ton of flaws, and have a large part actively trying to undo all their work, but they have still done so much positive.
Look at the timeline for marriage equality for instance, they were right up there with the first wave leading the global surge. That doesn’t happen if you’re full of hatred for them.
They’re a dichotomy of amazing social progressivism and brutal conservatism.
There is a lot of hatred towards minorities, but there's also a lot of acceptance of them that would be out of place in most of the world.
no chance of that
Well of course not, they’re deleting the content.
There has been no official announcement that such a change is coming, but Reddit commenters speculated that possibly the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was requiring a change to stop American TikTokers from using the app to influence Chinese citizens.
Ah, that trustworthy and unbiased group of China experts that are Redditors
Two sentences before this they were explaining quite clearly why chinese users might actually be bothered by the flood of american users and why they might want the ability to filter by IP region, but because some redditors speculated that the SeeSeePee doesn't want the Americans to spread their freedom-loving germs to their country then that must be why they'd do it, if that rumor were to be proven true
thanks for saving me a click
Yeah, it's always a waste of time when an article cites random people on reddit or twitter.
Lmao "rumors swirl" means "we made it the fuck up."
in this case reddittors made it up. so, yeah. very reliable
Ashley Belanger May Be Embezzling Money From Ars Technica
Just a few days after writing an article on Ars Technica about the possibility of foreign users on RedNote being walled off from Chinese users, rumors began swirling on Lemmy that she may soon decide to defraud her employer by transferring company money into her personal bank account.
Lol. Lmao, even.
Kinda like how Chinese citizens can’t use tiktok either. Wonder why…
Tiktok is for westoid plebs... They got different agendas for daddy's property v their own subjects
Every government is scared of these dumb kids lol
This is fucking stupid.
Our rulers are literally dictating who we can communicate with.
Which is why decentralised open source platforms are very important.
"May" is doing a lot of heavy lifting in that title.
To bad they didn't hear about Loops. I don't use this stuff so I have no idea if it's good or not, but it's not Chinese or collecting your data so it would be worth a try. Although if 400k users flooded it I have serious doubts they could scale to meet a demand like that.
The scalability is my concern too. It took me like 8 days after I signed up before I got my login to Loops.
Gotta say I really like it, though
Loops is unfortunately not ready for 70 million new users.
So, I cannot inform the Chinese about Mao murdering over 70 million people who disagreed with him and his CCP thugs. What about the Tiananmen Square massacre?
People get apprehensive about that on some instances, but i totally agree with u. Alot of ccp defenders r like "BUBUT US GOVRMENT BAD TOO aarhrhh!!!!" Like bro we get it its pretty much confirmed they were doing freay deaky shit with mk utlra and tons of other sus shit but that dont make ur ccp overlords "the good guys"
Try it and report back, that would actually answer the question.
To the surprise of some people I guess but certainly not to chinese users.
I don't even like TikTok but I'm so happy with how hard this whole thing is backfiring. Warms my heart
Tom cotton already made threats about banning rednote as well 😂
Basically a virtual Berlin wall around the whole of the US?
I mean they added a translate button in the last day or two, so I infer that at least the people running the site are OK with encouraging the sudden American popularity.
Obviously take this with a grain of salt but a spokesperson of China already said they approve of this cultural exchange.
Remember Rednote is approved by the CCP so there was already propaganda on the app and they are using this time to piss off Americans about some of our poor policy choices. Obviously there is not much negative stuff of China on the app.
A wee quote from the author of the original little red book ...:
"the two slogans -- let a hundred flowers blossom and let a hundred schools of thought contend -- have no class character; the proletariat can turn them to account, and so can the bourgeoisie or others. Different classes, strata and social groups each have their own views on what are fragrant flowers and what are poisonous weeds".
Seemed a good idea at the time (1957?), remember how that trick evolved thereafter ...?
They recently added new translation features. I don't think it's going to happen.
Just a few days after more than 700 million new users flooded RedNote…
A Beijing-based independent industry analyst, Liu Xingliang, told Reuters that RedNote was "caught unprepared" by the influx of users.
Go for it. I have my doubts that there is really any mass migration of English language users to an all Chinese website to begin with. The whole thing feels like a propaganda campaign.
Idk, I went on there earlier and watched some of the live interactions, there does seem to be a large amount of English speaking people who are messaging the live creators and the creators are responding in their best possible English.
It's actually quite nice to see two different cultures coming together.
But I'm sure that if they wall off the rest of China to the US users the app will lose its shine and people will move on somewhere else.
What did the FUD surrounding Tiktok (and Huawei) feel like to you?
Most of my lab mates are Chinese and I joined WeChat because it was what they all used. Everything was fine except my account kept getting banned for no reason. I had assumed it might be because I accidentally turned on a VPN, but ultimately I concluded it was because they didn’t want the intermingling of Chinese and American accounts, which was literally the only reason I was there in the first place.
I been told Wechat requires phone number, do they not check VOIP numbers or did they just not block your number for creation? That's super weird.
They have (or had) a system for reactivation that involved endorsement from another account. IIRC it was QR code based, so one of my friends would scan my reactivation QR code and a few verification texts later I’d have my account back. The last time I was banned, it was after I hearted one of my friend’s posts about his graduation.
Worse part is that Chinese people overseas will no longer be able to connect with friends and family.
Wechat will always be allowed overseas and is the main method of communication, but the account creation process is of course a little more detailed than simply signing up with a phone number.
It seems they really don't want our regarded degens spoiling their peasants haha
That’s fair. Our own platforms are flooded with government astroturfers. They wouldn’t want those leaking in.
RedNote is really fun, haha
Also fuck me why do they know more about my country than I do???
Nobody should be surprised by this.
This migration of American to RedNote just proves how god damn stupid the Average American really is.
Well at least there's a social media that still kicks out trolls
The irony in this is fucking delightful. No one wants Americans using this kind of brain rot social media. Maybe that's a sign....
Maybe this whole blogpost is just commenting on what random people said on reddit.
Oh look, that's exactly what it is.
Wait - so this is the CCP directly censoring a whole worldview from its citizens.
But I was told on several lemmy threads that the CCP lets their users consume any content, and all the censorship is American propaganda to make the great leader look bad.
This is some redditors speculating being turned into a news article...
No, this is not the CCP directly censoring a whole worldview from its citizens, this is the CCP directly allowing its citizens to see that worldview while some random author speculates based on nothing but rumors and hearsay that they might change that policy in the future.
But who needs to read past the title if it aligns with your presumptions?
Got any evidence for this censorship claim? I’ll even accept dubious screenshots.
Yeah sure it's right here in the thread you're in
But I was told on several lemmy threads that the CCP lets their users consume any content, and all the censorship is American propaganda to make the great leader look bad.
Who is telling you that? I'm not seeing lemmy posts ignoring the great firewall.
Why? Isn't that as racist as the us banning TikTok in the first place?
I smell a double standard from the red and yellow country again.
This isn't even real read the article the source is "some guy on reddit speculates" and that's not even a joke it's embarrasing
The US banning tiktok has little to do with race.
It's about American oligarchs wanting the profits of Chinese oligarchs.
People like you are the lowliest of foot-soldiers in this game.