What item did you "buy for life?"
What item did you "buy for life?"
How's it holding up?
What item did you "buy for life?"
How's it holding up?
AKG Q701 headphones. I have to resolder them every year or two, but they're infinitely repairable. I've tried many headphones over the years but nothing comes close to the quality.
DasKeyboard 4 Pro keyboard. I've typed on it so hard for so long that the key caps have started crumbling. Replaced all of the key caps for a few bucks and it's good as new.
PlanetBox lunchbox. It's like a metal lunch tray with a lid. Fully metal, nearly indestructible, rust proof.
A carabineer clip I got at Walmart in '06 for $1. I've used it every day for 17 years and all of the paint has rubbed off. It just won't die.
Are those akg made in china? Bayer Dynamic will give it a quality run for it's money.
Made in Austria
I thought Samsung bought them.
Ohh that's good news.
I replaced it with a leather band and I'm happy with it