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  • This is so accurate for me. I'll attempt to walk off a broken bone, a mountain once stabbed my kidney and I was stoic as shit. But if I have a fever or chills? I require last rites

    • This is 100% me. I broke my hand (because I was an idiot and punched a wall) and just went to work and didn't use it as much. I remember one dude shaking my hand and it being very painful. My dumb ass response to my wife about why I didn't go to the hospital was "they wouldn't be able to do anything to set it and I don't want a cast, so fuck it.

      I get sick and it's a different story. I need all the help and attention. I can't move. I am asking my wife to bring me tissue, trash can, soup, fluids, and meds that I might need. She takes care of me because I'm a whiny little bitch and can't function correctly.

      • The only difference with me is that I don't want help, either. I want to curl up in a bed, somewhere in a corner of a dark room and not see anyone. I think it's some animal part of my brain that doesn't want a potential predator finding me weak and helpless. Leave me in my cave to recover or die

  • I can handle physical pain because i still have energy and can work around the pain but sickness pain/discomfort is so hard to deal with. I'm tired I can't do anything I just lay down and hope for death.

  • I've heard of this "man flu" syndrome but it doesn't match with my experience. I think the last time I had an illness that laid me out was pneumonia when i was a kid. And I've always been curious why that might be 🤔