Google Podcasts shutting down in 2024 for YouTube Music
Google Podcasts shutting down in 2024 for YouTube Music

YouTube Music will be Google's one podcasting app and service going forward, with Google Podcasts set to go away in 2024...

Google Podcasts shutting down in 2024 for YouTube Music
YouTube Music will be Google's one podcasting app and service going forward, with Google Podcasts set to go away in 2024...
I left once Google play music finished. I loved that service. Not surprised they're killing more once again
YouTube music is still shit in comparison. If I could get YouTube premium that was separate from it, I wouldn't be paying for this shit.
At this point if you're using a Google service you should be expecting that service to eventually be discontinued. What? No, I'm not bitter...
AntennaPod ftw ✌🏼
Podcast Addict represent! 👍
Ayeeeee 💯
Glad I already switched to podverse
Ok, can someone give me some recommendations for a new app/website?
What I'm looking for:
Pocket Casts, but the web player has a subscription.