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  • Fully remote job and we have people spread across time zones. We just moved it to 8:45 AM west coast time, because the previous 7:15 time slot wasn't working for those of us way over here. I kinda feel bad for the east coast people who have to do it at 11:45 now, since that's usually lunch time for me.

    Really I wish we'd go back to just not doing standups.

    • Do you have other regular meetings? I'm at a fully remote company and if we didn't have stand ups I probably barely ever talk to my coworkers via anything more than email and chat.

      • Way too many other meetings. Meetings all the time.

        There was a nice period where we had 2 meetings a week. One team meeting, then one social happy hour meeting with just the devs and no manager. (Mostly so we could complain about the manager, but general social bonding also). We also did plenty of ad-hoc meetings as needed, but generally the two regularly scheduled ones struck a good balance of getting things done without wasting time.

        In hindsight, that manager could be a difficult person to work with, but the overall balance of trade-offs was way better with him than it is now. Very few, very efficient meetings, were one of the positive tradeoffs for sure.

  • 11:30 am my time. It's annoyingly late, but necessary because I work with people who range from half an hour ahead of me to 2 hours behind me.

  • 09:30 on my team. Between multiple project teams I believe our dailies are between 9:00, maybe slightly before too, and 10:00. Can also depend on the customer if we're part of their development team. I believe not all teams have them every day.

    It's a good time for me because I sometimes begin at around 9:00.

    At 9:00 begins our central working hours where we're expected to be working. And I think that's late enough for the late starters. So I like where we're at.

    I think it's good to have it "early" rather than late. If you struggled the previous day it's a good point of fresh start and possible discussion or follow-up support. It's also where you have [to make] a plan for the day.

  • i am involved in 4 teams right now in some capacity, so, 830, 900, 930, 1000. id prefer any timea round 9 or 930