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  • waterboarding in guantanamo bay sounds like a rad ass time if you dont know what either of these things are

    • Wasn't Sean Hannity suppose to do that to prove it isn't torture?

      • Yes, amongst many others who never ever did. There was one conservative commentator who actually did it and admitted it was really scary and unpleasant and that in the moment he felt sure he was going to drown, but the idea that his version of it (choosing to do it willingly, for not more than a few seconds, in a friendly environment surrounded by people who do not wish you harm, and a full medical and psychological support staff on hand) was even close to the experience of victims is absurd.

        Water boarding wasn't even the most common form of torture at Gitmo. And one of the worst wasn't the sort of thing that got focused on by the press (like sleep deprivation, pressure holds, mock execution, dogs etc).

        Almost 50 prisoners a day were force fed twice a day each, with each session regularly continuing for 2hrs at a time. Yasiin Bey / Mos Def worked with Reprieve and the guy who made Senna to film him undergoing the procedure (again in a closed environment with people who knew and trusted, other doctors on hand etc) and it pretty much completely broke him in minutes.

        The footage is really disturbing, so I won't post it here, but going through 4 hours of that a day at the hands of people who kidnapped you off the street and hate you on principle and even enjoy subjecting you to it is honestly impossible to grasp in it's horror.

      • Hitchens (rip bozo) did it and changed his mind and said that it's torture

  • I get that it was originally a "fuck you" by Castro, but Cuba should start charging the US a ridiculous amount for using Cuban land to do war crimes.

    Like figure out what the lost revenue is due to the blockade and double that.