What Recovery/ROM options exist? I’ve done a lot of searching.
What Recovery/ROM options exist? I’ve done a lot of searching.
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There are some builds here or there posted on XDA, but they all have dead links. I’m still looking around to see if the files can be found on any live hosts, but if anyone has the files to custom ROM any of these… they’re decent hardware and shouldn’t have to be tossed in the ground just because the manufacturers are too greedy to give new Android versions for them.
The D415 is already rooted; none of the others have had any mods done yet. I’m hoping to find potentially a decent build of maybe CyanogenMod, Lineage, Havoc, Pixel, or any of the other quality builds.
I already ran the Droid bootloader code check and Motorola’s site says this one is not eligible to be unlocked. Must have been the typical control-freak contract that Verizon usually does. I guess at that time they wanted to nickel and dime every bit they could with this model. Quite a few Verizon phones were able to be unlocked, though, so with that unit there still could be a possibility. I’m not expecting so, though.