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Ranking the best vintage video games (25 years or older)

If you think a game should be higher or lower in ranking, then upvote or downvote it. If you don't see a game on the list that you think should be on the list then create a top level reply with the name and system.

  • Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike - Arcade

    A timeless masterpiece of 2D fighting with beautiful sprite work and a banger soundtrack. Other fighting games come and go, but we still play this one online and in tournaments 25 years later.

  • I am very sad that I've scrolled several pages and haven't seen the obvious one (though I could just be blind):

    Deus Ex.

    Edit: or perhaps it's because Deus Ex is from 2000 and I don't know if it counts yet. Maybe I'll wait 'til next year!

  • Street fighter 2 - hyper fighting edition (arcade).

    Played this every day after school for years as did a huge portion of my school.

  • I missed System Shock 1 and 2 on release (I was 1 and 6 years old, respectively) but I've recently been playing the SS1 remake and, holy shit, this is an incredible game.

    I think the original is held back by its UI but the actual game itself, which the remake pretty much preserves almost one to one, is incredibly solid even by modern standards. I've been super hooked on it and it's opened my eyes to an entire lineage of games that I've not paid attention to - System Shock 2, Deus Ex, and Prey are the big three that I have my eye on when I finish with SS1 Remake.