Day Shift (2022) - Jamie Foxx and Dave Franco are vampire hunters... with Snoop Dogg
Day Shift (2022) - Jamie Foxx and Dave Franco are vampire hunters... with Snoop Dogg
Day Shift is a fun, dumb action movie about vampire hunters. It's fully enjoyable. It stars Jamie Foxx as the main character vampire hunter who inadvertently gets Dave Franco as an apprentice. I think Dave Franco is an odd casting choice since his character is supposed to be a cowardly wimp, but he pulls it off pretty well.
However, my main gripe with the movie is that the biggest badass, most famous vampire hunter around is played by Snoop Dogg... dressed as a cowboy. And that just pushes my suspension of disbelief to the breaking point:
Seriously, keep the character the exact same but cast Idris Elba in the role and I'm all in:
But Snoop Dogg? He's just so lanky and scrawny I can't take him seriously as a badass vampire hunter. I've got no complaints with the story, writing, or the vampire special effects. It's a fun movie with a good budget. My only complaints are with the odd casting.
Anyway, here's a trailer. It's a Netflix original so it's always streaming there.