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  • Equating communism with the common ownership of women. First as tragedy, then as kink.

    • It's "held in common", not "being publicly owned". Bit of a difference in the connotations there, especially given that polyamory tends to openly reject how monogamous relationships tend to intertwine intimate and property relationships, or how lesbianism rejects the hierarchies built into heteronormativity, or how kink replaces implicitly coercive power dynamics with affirmative consent and voluntary boundaries.

  • Harden your heart, o Qin Huangdi!
    Increase your attacks so cruel!
    Send them all to live with me
    In an enby sapphic polycule!


    |: Qin Huangdi, do your worst
    To the cis boys to make them thirst :|
    For the selfsame HRT
    Their bourgeois state withholds from me!


    |: And I sing to Qin Huangdi:
    What, pray tell, do you want from me? :|
    And I assure you this is not a bit,
    Nor am I a feckless hypocrite.


    [still continues]

  • I wonder how that conversation went
    (as the eldest son): hey dad you can't get with any more ladies anymore okay? why? looks at dad's wealth* because.. uhh.. you just can't okay!?