Trump announces task force to ‘eradicate anti-Christian bias’
Trump announces task force to ‘eradicate anti-Christian bias’
Trump announces task force to ‘eradicate anti-Christian bias’
It’s wild the Christian religion is generally about love and tolerance (if you read the Bible), but the actual practitioners are some of the worst fuckers in American society
As a Christian, I can honestly say I'm appalled at literally everything the current administration is doing. We're called to love others, not to judge them. There is a huge difference in saying you're Christian and behaving as one.
the Christian religion is generally about love and tolerance (if you read the Bible)
No, if you read the Bible you’ll see a vengeful, genocidal, jealous, petulant god who’s very ok with slavery and rape. Not much love and tolerance there.
It seems you didn't read the bible ;)
That's pre-Jesus stuff though. You can find faults in the New Testament too but this thread is seriously missing the point I think
Not all of them. There are a few sects that are far worse than the others.
Very true
So is he going to eradicate himself? Because he's basically the antichrist...
How dare you talk about God Emperor rump like that! Straight to Guantanamo!
He's off to a bad start; announcements like that only serve to increase anti-Christian bias, mine included.
If you’re trying to root out antichristian behavior, you might start with the antichrist himself.
Too bad they won't address all the "Christians" that make it their mission to live drunk on cruelty and schaudenfreude.
If being Christian has anything to do with honoring and following the tenets of Jesus of Nazareth as written in the New Testament, there isn't a single Christian in the Republican party.
They use Jesus like a mask or totem to be on "I win morality" base while almost exclusively advocating inhuman atrocities like destroying families and doing the opposite of everything in their supposed own book they've clearly never read.
It's not like they try but fall short either. This isn't no true Scotsman, all they do is hate. When is the last time you've seen a Republican express love for anyone that wasn't rooted in angering (hating) their innumerable enemies? Is Jesus not love?
They don't believe in good or bad acts. They believe in good or bad people. Good people do good things. Bad people do bad things. They believe in Jesus, so they must be good. You don't, so you must be bad. Now any action against you in justified, cause they do good and you do bad and bad must be stopped by good. Doesn't matter what you're doing, and doesn't matter what they do to you. The morality has already been established.
Does this mean I can potentially create an organization that has the goals of flipping over tables that sell stuff at churches?
He also chased the money-changers out of the temple with a whip. Make sure to include that part too.
It’s “Antichristian bias”. In other words, bias against the Antichrist.
Good luck with that, fuckos.
If you remove the anti, all you’re left with is the pro.
By design in this case. 250 years of a lie lol.
Nobody expects the American inquisition
The Crusades never ended.
This is all totally normal. I'm sure the Democrats will convene a committee to write a white paper about it or something...
DOGE will shut it down, right?
totally sane.
This is just a pivot for his blame game. People are finding out that immigrants, gays and DEI aren't the problem so he needs new fall guy.