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I think Tappei Nagatsuki is a sadist.

I say "I think" more in the sense of "I know," actually.

There is no way that he makes Subaru go through this much pain and suffering if he's not thoroughly enjoying it.

At first, I thought he might be a masochist and Subaru was a self-insert, but I simply refuse to believe there's a maso out there that craves suffering to that extent. I refuse to believe it. Or rather, I simply don't want to live in a world where someone like that exists.

Truly, Subaru is nothing but a vessel for horror. This novel is not whatever the fuck novelupdates calls it.

It is pure and unadulterated pain. It is trauma in written form. What in the fuck.

I'm like 80% through Volume 6. As far as I can tell, I haven't even reached the most traumatic parts of this story. I have barely scratched the surface of this seemingly endless pit of depravity that calls itself "Re:Zero," written by what must be the world's greatest sadist: Tappei Nagatsuki.

This man is Hell. Note the capital H. I believe---hear me out---that Tappei Nagatsuki is the physical incarnation of Hell.

I looked it up. 15. Volume 15 is said to contain the most fucked up shit. I'm not even halfway there. I'm dying here. I... I can't... I'll get nightmares. I'm struggling to breathe, reading this accursed tome.

Tappei Nagatsuki, when I catch you Tappei Nagatsuki... When I catch you...


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