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Coding Rabbits, programming puzzle

Welcome to CodingRabbits; the one interactive coding game that groups both entertainment and knowledge!

We all know that finding the inspiration to start learning something new cannot always be the easiest thing, especially with the amount of focus that it might require. We figured however, that we almost find time for some gaming whenever we want to, so why not do both?

CodingRabbits will introduce you to coding basics through three interactive and fun modes: *Story mode: a level-based journey where you lead the rabbits using codes you learn while following instructions. *Multiplayer mode: Play against your friends in a real time multiplayer game, complete the level before other players to win. *Training mode: Test your coding skills on a random level.

If you are ready to start this fun yet, informative journey; then we, including our Rabbits, are waiting for you!


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