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Welp, I just apt purge'd damn near everything except the kernel. How's your Friday going?

I hear this is a rite of passage. I made it 4 weeks before I rekt all my shit (it was nvidia related). Where do I claim my sticker?

In all seriousness, now that I understand better these commands that I've been haphazardly throwing around, Id like to do a clean install. God knows what else Ive done to it. Can i just reinstall to my root partition and have my home partition work as expected?

  • I accidentally interrupted a system upgrade, breaking networking and package manager, among other important bits

  • If anything can be salvaged, I'd suggest backing those up, and then proceeding to make a fully fresh install. That will ensure you don't come across issues inherited from the previous blunders, and also, I think, will give you the chance to take the same steps, but wiser than before, and so able to avoid the issues you either caused or came across. (Also something I'd recommend maybe around every 1~2 years, precisely because of being able to restart but wiser)