Fair Vote Canada: "The Ontario Green Party and Ontario NDP commit to proportional representation to make every vote count. Nothing from the Ontario Liberal Party and Ontario PCs."
Fair Vote Canada: "The Ontario Green Party and Ontario NDP commit to proportional representation to make every vote count. Nothing from the Ontario Liberal Party and Ontario PCs."
Tired of unaccountable "majority" governments elected with 40% of the vote?
The Ontario Green Party and Ontario NDP commit to proportional representation to make every vote count.
Nothing from the Ontario Liberal Party and Ontario PCs.
Read more:
Ontario Parties on Electoral Reform
Ontario PC: Nothing in platform. Ford is on record as opposed to electoral reform.
Ontario NDP: ✅Mixed Member Proportional Representation
Ontario Liberal: Nothing in platform. Bonnie Crombie previously said she would support a Citizens' Assembly.
Ontario Greens: ✅Proportional Representation ✅ Citizens' Assembly on Electoral Reform