Hideo Kojima gives his thoughts on "Captain America: Brave New World"
Hideo Kojima gives his thoughts on "Captain America: Brave New World"
Hideo Kojima gives his thoughts on "Captain America: Brave New World"
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I don't get it. They should cater specifically to people who have seen other Captain America movies but haven't seen (or don't remember) Endgame? What an arbitrarily narrow demographic.
I think it's supposed to be tongue in cheek.
I don't see it, but if you say so.
His games, the ones that he is famous for, is the Metal Gear series. They are so convoluted and mix metaphor with in universe reality to such a high degree, and to even hope to make sense of it you must watch every cut scene of all the games, and the tie in media. If you just played certain choice games, you would have no idea what was going on.
It’s sarcastic. The number 1 critique people have about Kojima’s video games is that the plots are convoluted, and major plot points are often hidden in offshoot games. The Metal Gear series practically requires a college level 101 course to accurately follow.
If you’ve ever played the Kingdom Hearts series, it’s a lot like that; If you only played Kingdom Hearts 1, 2, and 3, you would have no fucking idea what was happening in the plot. Because the vast majority of the story in between each game is buried behind spin-offs.